Chapter 7: Left

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\| SCOTT POV |/ (Igiveup)

I opened my eyes, my head was pounding, I sat up, wincing at the pain in my leg. It was horrific. I looked down to my leg, peeling up my trousers, the leg was covered in blood, and very bruised. It was beginning to swell.

"Well that's not good." I said to myself.

I looked around me, stone walls towered over me. Rocks occasionally falling down. The new wings I apparently had felt on fire. I stood up, wobbling some. Planting my leg on the ground, my face converted into pain. I heard a faint female scream. Lizzie. Doubting my pain I sprung up the walls, getting grips on each part. My veins were aflame, I looked to my bloodied arm, a yellow glow was highlighting my veins. It turned red the angrier I got, and the more screaming I heard from Lizzie and Shelby.

I clambered up to the top, witnessing the scene unfold in front of me, Shelby was being held back while a sword was perched at Lizzie's throat. Something was itching to get out, a power I've never felt, I was pissed. Lizzie's captor was screaming about me for... something. Probably looking for me, I felt the power sizzle through my veins, it felt incredible. I was able to make out some words, like 'where is he' and 'I know you know'. Some of the emperors had noticed me, and my anger.

"Am I the one you're looking?" I asked fake-ly.

Lizzie's captor spun around, the sword now pointed at me, I chuckled sinisterly.

"So I was right?" I smiled.

The captor looked afraid but stood.

"Let's dance, shall we?" I drawled.


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