Chapter 6(v2): The lightness

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|$| SCOTT'S POV |$|

Lizzie dragged me through the forest, I was wondering how her hand wasn't burning. It was very questionable. But no matter. We ran into more emperors. Before I could see who, my vision blackened.

When I regained my vision, everything hurt like hell, nothing was comfortable. Lizzie and Shelby had disappeared, I noticed the blood stained sword I was holding, I was going to observe it, but a sword swang over my head, I yelped as I ducked, backing up, a less-god-like Joel approached me, followed by a terrified Oli.  I hit a tree, seeing Fwhip bleeding out next to False, I remember, I have wings now, I seen a faint glow around my body, magic. I shook it off, my foot planted on the tree behind me. My vision went red before I jumped off the tree, then midair jumped into the sky. Using my wings to not make fall to my misery. I flew away from the scene, hurriedly. An arrow wizzed by my ear. I huffed and flew upwards, into the clouds. Stabilising myself, I pondered on what-the-sun was happening. Someone tackled me from behind, I snapped towards them, Gem. I snarled before facing her into the ground region. We rolled back and forth, until we hit the ground with a loud crash, I rolled away into a ravine. I clung onto the edge, desperately. But I fell. Into the darkness.

Part two done.

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