Chapter 8: The power

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Oh- right-

I may have taken some inspiration off of Rainyjoi2009 The Major series for Scott's magic, (it's based off of on Erin's powers- btw go check the books out!) (And if you want me to change it, I can and will :D)


Jimmy threw me to the ground, I backed up to Shelby. Looking at her holder, Joey, I kicked him in the back of the knee, he collapsed to the floor in pain (And a probably broken knee). I grabbed Shelby and ran, to Scott's general area, so we didn't almost die again. A red lightning like...something lit up his veins. The emperors readied themselves, swords at had, except Gem, she don't fight. What I now amused, was magic, curled around Scott's veins. It glowed a brighter red the more tense the atmosphere got. Then, he attacked, coils of red lightning like substance exploded from him. His teal eye turning red, while the yellow glowed brightly. I was very bright, a sword came down on him. Scott caught it, holding the sword tightly. As the now red eye turned purple, Scott threw his attacker, into the ravine.

"KATHERINE!" I heard Joey screech.
"Rip Katherine." I whispered to Shelby.
"Yup..." She replied somewhat sad.

As everyone rushed over to the ravines cliff face, me and Shelby booked it to Scott.

"You two okay?" Scott questioned.
"Yeah...I think." Shelby muttered looking back to the ravine.
"Alright, let's go-" I said, Scott nodded.

As me and Scott ran, I noticed Shelby wasn't with us.

"Traitor." I muttered under my breath.

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