Chapter 6: The darkness

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I wandered around the place I found myself in, I heard wing beats behind me. I spun, down came Scott and Shelby, the two panted.

"Uhhhhhhh- hello you two? " I said.

Scott and Shelby's heads snapped up.

" Oh...hey Lizzie..." Shelby said between breaths.
" Yeah hi...what the heck happened and why does Scott have wings? " I questioned.
" First, I somehow fired my way out of jail, second...I have no clue..." Scott replied.
" What do you mean 'fired'? " I asked.
" Uhm, I somehow have fire powers or whatever now...and kinda used them and threw everyone into the walls? " Scott even questioned himself.
" That's...confusing...pretty wings though! " I said.
" Thanks...? " Scott said.

I heard rockets in the distance, I guess they're going after Scott...I'll be on his side- I'm not going through fire and wings right now.

" Anddd they're coming. " Scott drawled.
" Yup, follow me! And if we accidentally hit someone I'm sorry I guess! " I said before running.

The two followed behind, we skidded into a group, it was Sausage, Fwhip and Katherine. I backed up behind Scott, Shelby with me. The three equipped weapons. Scott is outnumbered, but Scott is now...Scott...? I guess? Why was I going to say something called Xornoth? Who the heck is Xornoth?! I probably made that up. No- the books- yes them. That's why. Scott's eyes hazed red as he attacked the three. Me and Shelby hit the floor, dodging the fire that erupted from Scott. The three attacking failed and got thrown and burnt into the trees. Scott was horrified.

" C'mon! " I said dragging Scott away.

The three of us ran, forever.

Part one done :)

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