Chapter 10: Ni don't sinte

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Oh yes heavily Dream SMP inspired now


As I made my way over to the not-too-villainess group, I put my hands up, they lifted Katherine out of the ravine, and chatted to her, before turning to see me, they immediately pulled out their weapons, pointing them directly at me, I raised my hands higher and lowered my head.

"Shelby? What are you doing?" Katherine questioned with a cough.
"I'm joining your side! I can't take it, being a villain and all..." I told them.
"You really think we'll believe that?" Joey exclaimed lightly.
"Let her speak. She'll know where the other two are going." False said. Joey huffed.
"Right, they have a base set up in the north, the far north kind of north. That's where they're going." I said.
"Anything else?" Jimmy asked.
"No, but I can spy. That's what." I said.
The weapons lowered.
"Fine, but I say you go now before they catch on." Jimmy said, Joey disapproved.


I ran back to the base, panting.

"Shelby? What were you doing? Where'd you go?" A concerned Scott sounded, while Lizzie glared.
"They took my broom, I wanted my broom back." I said.
"Shelby you could've stopped us to have some help-" Scott started.
"I know, but I made it back unharmed!" I stated happily.
"I'm glad." Scott said before walking over to me.

Scott hugged me, I spied Lizzie's bright teal eyes, my heart dropped as I heard a sharp weapon draw.

"That the traitor came back." Scott drawled out traitor, a cold blade pierced my neck, pushing in lightly.

I was done for. That's for sure.


I circled around a small place the void, pulling at my hair.

"What am I going to do?!" I groaned, falling down onto the black surface.
"What're you talking about in 'ere?" A familiar voice echoed.
"Empires S2 me has gone corrupt." I stated.

The dirty-blonde emerged from nowhere, his scarlet macaw wings tucked into his back, but not enough that I couldn't see them. It was Grian.

"Oh, that's a problem?" He asked.
"Yup, it means I'm kicked out of my body-" I replied.
"Oh damn, that's bad." He approached, sitting down next to me.
"Yeah, if I'm lucky enough the corruption won't spread to the different SMPs' I'm in." I said, tapping my fingers on the void beneath me.
"Yeah, guess we just got to wait and see." He said, shrugging.
"Yeah, just got too." I replied.

The silence was awkward, it was an airy time in the void, it would normally have more Admins and passive Watchers than this, it was weirdly eerie because of it. The wooshing of a portal disturbed the silence, I sat up and twisted on me heels, Grian twisted himself the way I was facing while getting up, a portal churned behind us, twirling whites, blacks and blues.

The colours faded into a door shape, my heart dropped as I slowly observed the area inside, plain concrete walls, fading blue lights flickering into darkness, a singular tube with a track running through it on the left. Benches gathered dust, and plain metallic doors sat on either side of the benches on the right.

"What is that?" The dirty-blonde questioned.
"...that's my limbo..." I said slowly.
"Oh. That's bad-" He replied.
"Very..." I muttered.

Oooooo hints to da futureeeeee



My eyes peaked open hesitantly, the ground was rough and cold, the air was cold, and nipped at my skin, my clothes were torn and bloodied, my skin was bloodied too. It was painful, everything was painful, but I did get more information, lucky me...

I shakily sat up, wincing, breathing also shakily, I pushed myself up onto a tree stump. Sighing, I pulled out my communicator, typing into it that I needed help and where I was in coordinates, before I caved in and passed out, I heard a branch snap and break behind me. I fell off the stump onto the floor. A 'vwoop' noise sounded behind me, I twisted my body even if the pain latched down more, a person crouch on the stump behind me. A female.

She had long dark brown hair, tied into a braid, golden brown eyes locked onto me shining down with malicious intent. Scars littered her face, almost outlining it in a tense manner, if it weren't for her eye shape, which looked full of sorrow. Fair skin, and fingerless long gloves. A black sort of corruption climbed up her arms.

"Uh- who're you...?" I asked.
"Aimsey," They responded flatly.
"...hi Aimsey...?" I said.
"Night Shelby." Aimsey responded flatly, again.

Before I could ask, Aimsey's fist came right for my face, once again knocking me out cold, the darkness enveloped me quickly, guess I should wait just for someone to arrive and help...

Yay finally getting this outttt

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⏰ Last updated: May 09 ⏰

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