Chapter 5: Escaped again.

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Nothing can contain my evil gay Scottish man!

|$| Shelby's POV |$|

I groaned in distress, my head was pounding like never before. Someone touched my head, I winced and tried to pull away. I pulled me back in, the pain died down soon after. I opened my eyes, only to be met with a jail cell. I spun around, only to be faced with Scott.

" Hey! It's okay Shelby! " He said reassuringly.
" Is it!? " I exclaimed dramatically pointing around.
" I know, I don't know why you're here. But your gonna be fine. Yeah? " Scott said, putting his hand on my shoulder.

I took a deep breath, Scott smiled.

Footsteps emitted from what I presumed, down the hall. Jimmy approached the bars. Some of the emperors behind him, I shoved myself into the wall.

" You told me you'd keep her out of this. " Scott said lowly.
" We couldn't risk it- " Jimmy began saying.
" Couldn't risk what!? You bound her up in black stone! What else could she do!? Run into the wall and break In down?! " Scott snapped.
" Scott- " Katherine started.
" No! Shut up Katherine! I'm talking to the idiotic sheriff right now! " Scott snarled, Katherine backed away.

Lizzie inched away, not about to get caught in Scott's wrath. I seen a glimpse of Scott yellow eye flashing red. Scott stood up, his hands becoming darker by the second.

Until he finally snapped.

I covered my body as fire viciously spread around the room, the irons bars blasted back.

When the heat died down, I got up immediately, Scott looked, both terrified and terrifying. I grabbed his hand and booked it out of the jail. We got outside, some emperors gaining on us. Scott grabbed me, picking me up, he jumped into the air as if he had wings. Which, he did. We left the area immediately.

E n d o f t h I S

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