Chapter 2: It's here again...

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If you've seen book one, you know what it is.

|$| Shelby's POV |$|

I opened my eyes, yawning, sitting up I realised I was still at Scott's, my eyes widened in fear.

What if he knows about the sculk now? Will he hate me?

The thoughts rendered through my mind. Before Scott entered, he smiled lightly.

" You're up now? " He asked.
" Yeah...? " I replied.
" It's mid day, " Scott said.
" Oh. " I said.
" Do you want to go home? " He asked.

I slowly nodded, Scott made a sound of approval.

" Do you want spare clothes? You slept in yours. " He asked.
" Yeah, if you don't mind! " I replied.
" I don't! I'll be back. " Scott said.

Scott left the room, closing the door behind him. I got out of the bed, stretching some. Scott came back in, placing the clothes on the bed.

" Your broom and wand are on the wall outside your room, " He said.

I nodded, Scott left to give me privacy. I took my clothes off getting into the ones Scott gave me, which consisted of a dark cyan turtleneck and black slight torn jeans. Oh, and white socks with long slight mud stained black boots. I got into the clothes, which were slightly too big for me. I put the boots on, placing my clothes in a bag I found nearby. I slung the bag on my shoulder and placed my hat, which was on the beds head rest, on my head. I exited the room, pocketing my wand and holding my broom in one hand.

" Scott! " I called.
" Yeah! " He called back, peeking from a corner.
" Can you come with me? " I called down to him.
" Yeah sure! Just give me a sec! " He replied.

He ducked back round the corner, he came back round, jogging up to me.

" Thanks Scott, " I said.
" No problem. " He replied.

  |¥| Scott's POV |¥|

I walked outside, Shelby at my side. She equipped her broom and ushered me on. She took off, going just bellow cloud level.

We made it to the Evermore, we got off the broom, Shelby's turned to me.

" Thank you Scott. " She said.
" Your welcome " I replied.
" Can you get back? " She asked, I nodded.
" Alright, bye Scott! " She exclaimed.
" Byeee! " I replied.

I equipped my elytra and took off.

I landed back in Chromia, sighing, it was sunset now.

May as well go on a walk.

I dropped my elytra off at my house before going into the nearest forest for a walk.

Here we go...

Gravel crunched under my feet as I walked, I zoned out, looking forwards into nothingness. I tripped on something, I yelped before catching myself with my hands. I spun around getting into a sitting position.

I looked at what tripped me, a sense of deja-vu washed over me. A crystal necklace lying on the ground, I picked it up, it shone purple. For some reason a part of me wanted to drop it and run, another part wanted me to put it on. I went in between, I took the necklace and pocketed it. Walking back to my house, I should get ready as there is a meeting tomorrow anyhow.


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