Chapter 3: It's meeting time! Again...

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Y'all know what's gonna happen, some gonna get yeeted.

|$| Shelby's POV |$|

Something tapped on my window, I placed the potion I was making down and walked over, a turtle dove sat on the window sill, holding a letter, I opened the window and took the letter, I opened the letters seal, which was Katherine's seal.

Dear Shelby of The Evermore,

You've been invited to a meeting at mine! I know, meetings, they're bad and all. But I have information everyone needs to hear, immediately.

It's pretty concerning, so I'd appreciate your appearance at my meeting room.

Katherine! <3

Oh, a meeting? Desperately? Yeah I should go... hope Scott won't mind me wearing his clothes, again.

Time skip to the meeting bc yes.

I entered the building, Katherine and Scott were there already, I walked over and sat in my seat.

" Hiya Shelby! Early arrival I see. " Katherine said.
" Yeah! You said it was urgent! " I replied.

I realised Scott had a necklace on, it was a purple crystal on a gold chain, it took me sometime to comprehend it's beauty.

" Nice necklace Scott! " I said.
" Thanks. " Scott said blandly.

I looked to Katherine, giving her a look of 'doesn't this seem similar?' She nodded.

" What is it? " Katherine asked.
" It's a necklace, I fo- I mean re-found that my parents gave me. " Scott said.
" Huh, nice, it's very beautiful! " I said.
" Thanks... " Scott said kind of blandly.

The other emperors flooded in, they sat down in there assigned seats and the meeting began.

|¥| Scott's POV |¥|

I leaned back into my chair as Katherine started.

" Okay... I've gathered you all here for, bad news. " Katherine said with a sigh.
" So, lately, I've been seeing these weird vines, I got close to one today, attacked me. " Katherine said with a shudder.
" You sound mad, and I'm saying that! " Joel said.
" I know I sound mad! But it's real! It literally moved! " Katherine exclaimed.
" You've gone mad Katherine- " Jimmy was going to say. But I cut him off before he could say more.
" She hasn't. " I said.
" What? " Shelby questioned.
" I was with her, " I replied.
" Really? What was the time. " Jimmy pushed.
" It was dusk, " I said, Katherine nodded.
" So just before nighttime. " Shelby asked, I nodded.

As the other spoke to themselves I looked to Katherine, I mouthed 'your welcome' to her. She smiled and mouthed back 'Thanks'.

Couple of hour later... there's and argument now.

Me and Gem were yelling each other, we got into a fight of who was going insane. She's blaming me and Katherine, I'm protecting Katherine. Jimmy was trying to break us up. I final had enough.

" For Joel's sake Gem I'm not going INSANE! " I screeched, stomping foot on the ground.

Right my foot made contact, Gem was blasted into the wall, I froze as the others rushed to Gem's side.

My instinct said 'run' so I did. I bursted through the door and ran, ran away. Not looking where I was going. Bad idea as I fell, I hit the ground and blacked out.

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