Chapter 4: Corruption

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I'm gonna try to make this book different, but similar. As history always repeats. >:D

|$| Shelby's POV |$|

The others helped Gem up, I stood on the side lines, some of the emperors were terrified, some were angry. I was, impressed to say the least, my body wobbled, I was debating whether to go find Scott or stay with Gem, I sighed and left the building, I got on my broom and took to the skies.

It had been a couple of hours, I was starting to get worried, but then I saw a cyan dot bellow me, a ravine. I dropped down into the ravine, hurrying over to Scott's body, I immediately checked his pulse, he was alive, still. I got him onto my broom, somehow. And flew to the Evermore.

I got Scott inside and checked for wounds, he had a minor one on his forehead and a wound on his left arm. But that was it, I wrapped up his wound and arm, but his hand caught my eye, the looked, burned. I mean what happened probably would do that. I thought back to the scene, right as Gem was getting thrown into the wall, Scott looked... weird. Both of his eyes glowed yellow, and his arms had strands of the same yellow going up his arms, but I only seen his hands... so it might've just been his hands. But I don't know, I couldn't really see. I looked back to present Scott, the roots of his hair turning white with some strands of gold in it. Two light grey... horns? Were now growing on his head, Gem was wrong. Scott's not insane, now this is happening. I sighed and left Scott to be alone for sometime.

|¥| Scott's POV |¥|

I woke up to Shelby's house, I groaned and sat up, pain pounding through my body.

" Shelby? " I called.

I heard someone rush back into the room I was in.

" Ya? " Shelby replied.
" D- do you know what happened? " I asked.
" Well... all I know is you threw Gem into a wall and the left, so I went to look for you, I found you in a ravine and brought you here. " She explained.
" Oh, " I said simply.
" Yeah, " she replied.

I let my head fall back, I exhaled verbally.

" You alright? " Shelby asked.
" Yeah... just... in pain " I said.
" Alright. " She replied.

Someone knocked at the door, Shelby left, the door opened and muffled speaking sounded. It loudened, then glass shattered, I got off the couch, walking to the door. Shelby's head was bleeding, a knife to her neck too, Jimmy was holding her hostage, my eyes widen.

" Scott, come with me, and she'll live. " Jimmy said.

The other emperors were outside.

" ...or what? " I asked hesitantly.
" Her neck will be opened, and I'll make you watch her bleed out. " He said.
" Okay, I'll go with you. " I said.
" Just leave Shelby out of this. " I said.

Jimmy nodded and dropped Shelby, Katherine came in stepping behind me, she inserted something into my neck. And the world went black.


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