In the forest ||Chap.4||

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/This chapter has SLIGHT and I mean SLIGHT  lemon 🍋/ 

Giyuu finally woke up. Although it was cloudy outside, he was able to see it was day,  It was about 9:30am "Shit, we were supposed to go out at 8:30am." Giyuu mumbles to himself. 

He still was half asleep and could only really feel his legs. Then just as he was about to get up, but then, we regained most of his senses. 

He felt something warm and soft on his chest. Giyuu looked down to see Shinobu clinging onto him, her face in his chest. And his  arms wrapped around her body. Like any other boy, Giyu was obviously flustered to death, so much so. That all he could do was freeze in place.

 Then Giyuu looked down at Shinobu, he admired her features, he really didn't know how beautiful she was. He never really got a good look at her. Giyuu really  loved her hair when it was down. He looked at her arm once more. He was praying that was all a nightmare, and that she never really did inject poison into herself. Giyuu wanted the moment to last forever, until he heard Shinobu mumble. 

He snapped out of his trance to hear her say. "Don't leave again...Nee-san." In that moment everything clicked. That's why she was doing this. To avenge her sister. It must be, she's injecting wisteria poison. So if this demon ate her, it would overwhelm the demons body and it would die. Of course, this was just a theory he had. He was hoping it wasn't true. But Almost like instinct. Giyuu let out a "Im not planning on leaving you." After processing what he just said. He lept out of  bed to go and change. 

Timeskip lol

After around 20 minutes. Shinobu went outside where Giyuu was sitting. Aimlessly staring at the sky. "It seems he's in deep thought." Shinobu went to go and tease him. "Hey, Tomioka-san!!! You know, it's not good to space out. A demon could come and kill you right now!" It was a fairly cloudy day, so she wasn't wrong. So Giyuu just gave her a stare. "Are we going now?" 

Shinobu said. Giyuu got up and started walking towards the town. "Hey, Tomioka-san. That's not how you treat People! You're quite rude, that's why nobody likes you!" Like always, Giyuu replied with ""I'm not disliked by people, Tanjiro-" Suddenly, he was cut off by Shinobu, "Tanjiro doesn't count, he likes everybody." I mean, she did prove another point, so Giyuu just sighed and continued walking. 

When they were out looking for a restaurant to eat at. Giyuu passed by a jewelry stand. A particular broach caught his eye, it was a silver pin with a purple butterfly on in. And it also seemed that there was 2 amethyst crystals on the antennae's. "How much will that cost?" Giyuu asked the lady at the stand, while pointing to the broach. 

"Oh my! What a fine pick, that will cost 9845 yen!" (Around 100 dollars CAD and 85 dollars USD)  After paying, the lady put it in a yellow bag, and Giyuu went to the place him and Shinobu were supposed to meet up if they found anything. Giyuu sat on the bench, after around 5 minutes. Shinobu came to the bench.

 "Ara, it seems you've gotten something, but on a more important note, I found a place we can eat at!" Shinobu said practically glowing. "Sure, but first, I got this for you." Giyuu stuck out his hand with the yellow bag in his hand. 

Shinobu looked kinda confused at first but then turned red. "WOW. Is Tomioka really getting something for me? Oh my, this is surprising." Shinobu said, still blushing a bit. Giyuu didn't care since he was looking away to hide his flustered face. He definitely thought her expressions were cute.

As Shinobu looked at It, she smiled and then said. "Aw! Thank you Tomioka-san. You really didn't have to. I love it." As she put it on the left side of her haori near her chest.  All Giyuu could say after that was "y-you're welcome." 

//The talkative butterfly and the quiet loner// (Giyushino)Where stories live. Discover now