New feeling ||Chap. 9||

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Uhhhh, sooooo. Today in class, one of my classmates said that it's a sin to masturbate/feel horny....But like, EXCUSE ME WHAT??? I must be going to extra hell then. Good to know my entire science class disagreed with him. :>

Also the art at the top is old, it's ugly I know. But it's whatever. Anyway, on to the story!

As soon as Shinobu and Giyuu started going back to the demon slayer headquarters, it of course,  started to rain. They had already established that they were miles away from an inn. So defeated, they started to book it back to the demon slayer corps headquarters. After a few minutes, Giyuu started to realize that Shinobu started to shiver. 

And like the gentleman he is, he grabbed his haori and put it over both their heads. "Ara?" Shinobu looked up and blushed. "So Giyuu can be passionate huh?"  Giyuu stared at her as her blush became more visible. "Ah, do you have a cold, Shinobu?" Giyuu said in a worried voice. "Hm? Oh I'm just a little bit cold, from the rain." Shinobu looked up at his haori. 

"Wont Your haori get wet though?" Giyuu looked up at his now, soaking haori and frowned. "It's just water, It will dry out." Shinobu just hummed and kept running.

At Kagayas place 

Kagaya sat on a cushion in his house, waiting for Shinobu and Giyuu. "I hope my children are okay. I can hear rain outside." As soon as he said that, he got slightly startled as Shinobu and Giyuu busted through the door while huffing air. Kagaya invited them to sit down.

 They discussed their mission, and what the demon said. Along the lines they also told Him something important. "If I may, Oyakata-sama, before we go. May I tell you something?" Shinobu said to him.

 Giyuu already knew what she was going to say and he just went along with it. "Go ahead, Shinobu." Kagaya said softly.

 "Uhh- me and Giyuu, we're together now. That's not against the corps rules, right?" Shinobu said while both her and Giyuus faces were turning redder, not that Kagaya could tell. "I knew it." Kagaya whispered under his breath.

 "Alright, it's not against the corps rules, you may take your leave now." "Eh?" Giyuu said. As Shinobu had already ran off from embarrassment.

3 months later. 

It's been 3 months since they had gotten word about upper 2. And Shinobu was feeling...Off, that day. So she decided to get a check up with Aoi, and it didn't go as planned. "Ohayo Aoi, I've been recently feeling sick, and I haven't had my Menstruationen cycle for 3 months now." Aoi looked at her, and looked at a paper.

 "Ah, Ohayo Shinobu-sama. But..It seems that all the symptoms you're having, is  signs of pregnancy. But to be sure, let's do a check up." 

 An hour later...

"Shinobu Sama..I think you have to hear this." Shinobu inhaled and then exhaled. She already had a feeling on what Aoi was gonna say. "I'm ready, Aoi." Aoi looked at her paper again.

 "You are pregnant."

 Shinobus face turned pale, not because of worry. But because of shock. "Hm, thank you Aoi for your work. I'm just..Surprised." Aoi smiled at her, but then her face was filled with confusion. "Wait..Who's the father then?" Shinobu started blushing madly.

 "A-h its, Tomioka-san. yknow, I'm gonna go out and get some air." And just like that She walked out of the room. "Must be the mood swings getting to her already." Aoi thought to herself.

"How am I gonna tell Giyuu this!" Shinobu said out loud in the garden, just then. She felt a larger hand on her shoulder. "Tell me What?" She could tell by the voice, it was non other, than Tomioka Giyuu. "Ara Ara, it's nothing. You really shouldn't be sneaking up on people! That's why you're disliked!" Shinobu got up to face Giyuu. 

"First off, im not disliked, and second..I know you're lying, what's going on?" Giyuu said the last part with worry again.

 Shinobu turned away, avoiding all eye contact "no way I can tell him right now! I just figured out myself! Although, he is the father, he should know. But what if he leaves me?! But, don't the fathers know soon too? Ah, I'll just get it over with and tell him. And if he leaves, than he can leave!"

"Shinobu!" Giyuu shouted at her. Shinobu had been zoning out for a while now. So she got quite startled. "Now are you gonna tell me what's going on?" Giyuu said with a stoic face.  Once again, Shinobu took a deep breath. "Here goes nothing."  She put her hand on her stomach. And said "Giyuu, earlier today, aoi told me some news...." Giyuu tilted his head. 

"I-I'm pregnant..." 


And a cliffhanger cause it's a school night and I have a project due on thursdayyyyy. So, only one more chapter, and then there's the bonus smut cause I'm built like that. 🤭🤭😩😩

//The talkative butterfly and the quiet loner// (Giyushino)Where stories live. Discover now