Good news, Good changes. ||Chap 10|| (last chapter!!)

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Yup, this is the last chapter! I'll make it long so we can get alllll the news in before I make The bonus smut cause why tf not? 

Just a question before the story starts, whats your favourite song, or music artist? Cause my favourite song is: Sweater Weather by The Neighbourhood. And pretty much any other song by them 🥹🤌🏽 (Softcore, Daddy issues, etc)  I also love Mitski, my favourite songs by her are: Washing Machine Heart and, Francis forever.

I forgot to mention this earlier, but Shinobu is aged up to 20, and Giyuu is 24, (also the demon slayer mark doesn't kill you at 25.)

"I'm pregnant."

"Really?" Giyuu said Processing the information he got literally two seconds ago. His mind went black "ah, well, we should have been more careful. I'm not mad or anything... . I wouldn't mind. But what if Mitsuri told her a dare or something?"  

Giyuu stood there, almost looking like a copy of Muichiro. "Ehhhhh, Giyuuuu-Sannnnnn? Are you alive? *gasp* I'm sorry this was too sudden!!" Shinobu put her hands over her mouth. Giyuu looked at her. "Is this a dare?" Giyuu said cluelessly. Shinobu froze. "Why the hell would he think that! Frankly, this is supposed to be serious, he's such a dense ass guy."

  "No, this isn't a joke." She tugged on his haori. Giyuu went into serious mode, his lips curved slightly up before saying. "it's alright Shinobu, it was both of us being careless. But we can raise the child together, but it's up to you if you don't want to keep them." (I think abortion was a thing, just less popular.) Shinobu smiled softly at him, it wasn't a fake or forced smile. "Ara, thank you for understanding. I think I want to keep them..." She said while circling her stomach. 

Giyuu smiled back at her before taking hold of her hand. Then he looked up and saw that it was getting cloudy. "Demons could come out if it starts raining, or even if there's no sun...We should go inside."  Giyuu looked at Shinobu and said "I think we should go inside, it might rain." Shinobu nodded her head. They walked inside the butterfly mansion hand in hand.

 As soon as they walked in, they were greeted by Aoi. "Ah, it's lovely that your both here right now, Shinobu-sama, Water piller- sama. I need to talk to you about details regarding your child." The couple gave each other a glare of confusion and worry, before following Aoi into a room. Aoi turned around and looked at Shinobu.  "Shinobu-sama, have you told him about that?

Aoi said to her. Shinobu nodded, Giyuu was now double worried. "This is regarding the wisteria in her body, Fuck, I forgot about that. I really hope this doesn't effect anything in a negative way."

 Aoi looked up and gave the couple very surprising news. "Due to the amount of wisteria entering Shinobu-samas body. The child has developed with immunity to poison." There was a few seconds of silence before Giyuu said "Is that a bad thing? Or does it benifit them?"

 "Well, your child's strength has reduced by a mile. But demons are less likely to detect them." A sigh came from Shinobus mouth. "I'm just glad that our child is alright, thank you Aoi." Aoi bowed her head and left the room. Shinobu was the first to talk, as usual. "We should start thinking of names for our child, right?" 

Giyuu nodded and said. "I was thinking of a name already." They spent a few hours talking about a few different names for their child's name. Until they finally settled for "Shiyu." For a girl, meaning origin and popularity. And "Fumihito" for a boy. Meaning compassion. The next nine months were filled with preparation, and after Shinobu was 5 months pregnant, she could no longer do missions. 

//The talkative butterfly and the quiet loner// (Giyushino)Where stories live. Discover now