Epilogue/bonus 😏

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Mostly @OfficialFaputa asked for this, and ima give it to them, and all the other horny weebs out there, (myself included.) 

Also since I'm stupid, I might not include Giyuu having one arm because idk how he gonna do anything with one fucking arm.

It was 4 years after the battle with Muzan. Shinobu helped Obanai and Mitsuri fight Nakime. she also got into the battle with Muzan. After the battle. Giyuu and Shinobu moved in together into a house close to the butterfly estate. 

Shinobu had just finished hanging up clothes on a drying rack, Giyuu wasn't home yet, he said he was out "bonding" or something with Sanemi and Tengen. Just then, a four year old Shiyu came marching through the door with mud all over her kimono.

 "Mama, I was out playing and I tripped." Shiyu said while pouting. Shinobu got up from her seat. "Oh dear, we really need to get you into a bath." Shinobu said while taking her daughter to the bathroom.

 After she got Shiyu  cleaned up. "I know! I'll make dinner so when Giyuu comes back he will have something to eat!" 

Meanwhile with Giyuu 

"Im going to be honest, I don't think Sanemi wants me here, he's been giving me death stares for a while now...I'll just ask him about it."   

  "Hey Sanemi? Why do you look so mad?" Giyuu asked cluelessly. 

Sanemi gave him a "Are you serious, bitch?" Kinda stare. And then said. "Listen, I go back with the Kocho sisters. And if you dare hurt Kanaes little sister. I will not hesitate to bash your head against a wall." 

Giyuu wasn't necessarily mad at him, he was glad Sanemi cared about Shinobu. But he was a little offended that Sanemi thought he would hurt Shinobu. "Don't worry, I wouldn't dare hurt her." Giyuu replied to which Sanemi scoffed. "I Hope You keep your word. At this point she's like a little sister to me." 

Giyuu honestly didnt know that Shinobu and Sanemi  Had a Brother sister relationship at all. 

Meanwhile Tengen was sipping his tea while listening to all this. "What a flashy rivalry! I need to tell my wives about this flamboyant grudge Sanemi has!"  Tengen nodded his head to his own thoughts.  

"Alright alight! Although I love this flashy drama. I ordered sake for a reason!" Tengen said while lifting a bottle of sake up.

Back with Shinobu.

"Hm, how long will this "bonding" last." Shinobu recalled what Giyuu said to her an hour or two ago. 

"Shinobu?" Giyuu asked. "Yes, Giyuu. What is it?"  Shinobu replied.

 "Tengen and Sanemi asked if I could go and do some "bro bonding" or something. Should I go?"

 Shinobu had a vein popping out of her head. "Why didn't they invite me? I'm a former hashira too!" Shinobu thought. 

Shinobu sighed. "Giyuu it's up to you. But don't have too much alcohol okay?"  Giyuu nodded. But then he felt a tug on his haori, he looked down to see his daughter looking at him. 

"Papa? Where are you going?" She said while tilting her head. "Ah, I'm just going to with your uncles." Giyuu said while patting Shiyus head. 

Then her flashback ended when Shiyu poked her waist. Shinobu tunprned her head down to see her. "Can I sleep at Auntie Kanaos and Uncle Tanjiros House, pleassssseeee?"

  "Im glad Shiyu likes my sister, and I could use some time to myself, so I'll notify Kanao and drop Shiyu off!" 

"Sure Shiyu, just don't knock down anything in their house, and be a good girl, okay? Say please and thank you when-" Shinobu got cut off by her own 4 year old daughter. "yea, yea, I know, I'll be good."

Timeskip to night cause I'm lazy

"It's getting late, I really should head back home. Or Shinobu will kill me." Giyuu thought to himself. "It was fun hanging out with you guys, but I should get going." Giyuu said lazily while Tengen and Sanemi stopped their drinking contest to look at him. "*hic* whatever, you can leave." Sanemi said while half asleep. 

Giyuu exited Tengens estate and somehow made it back to his house without falling over. Once he went inside, there was an angered Shinobu tapping her foot on the wooden floor. "Well well well, you finally came back Tomioka-san.

Giyuu sighed before saying "Y'know Shinobu, you're also a Tomioka now." Shinobu flushed bright red, while Giyuu put his hand on her cheek. "G-Giyuu what are you doing? 💢" Shinobu said while trying to pry his hand off her face

 "Shinobu, it's very rude to talk to somebody like that, especially me."  "You're drunk, Giyuu We should just go to- AHN" Shinobu was cut off by Giyuu sucking on her neck. 

He stopped and whispered into her ear "Is Shiyu here?" Shinobu, while panting. Said back. "N-no, she's at Kanao and Tanjiros place." She swore she saw him crack a smile, before he continued to suck on her neck, earning pleasurable moans from her.

He took her to the bedroom where he place her down on the bed, causing her to grunt. Before he started to kiss her roughly. He continued this until they ran out of breath, once they parted, Giyuu tugged on her Kimono, signalling  he wanted it off. Hastily, she removed her kimono leaving her fully naked, and in Giyuus gaze. 

His eyes made their way to her pussy. Which was already sopping wet. "Shinobu, are You wet for me..?" Shinobu turned her head and slowly whispered. "Who else would I be wt for..?" Giyuu smirked and then trailed two fingers down to her pussy pushing them deep inside of her. 

And started to pound into her, earning more moans. "Aah~ Giyuu~ slower Please..." Instead, Giyuu went faster and faster. Shinobu felt a knot build up in her stomach, before releasing her cum onto his fingers. "Hm." Giyuu said and smirked, he brought his fingers up to his mouth  to lick all her cum off. "What do you say, Shinobu, should we get to the real part now?" Giyuu said while Shinobu was blushing like crazy, she nodded her head slowly. 

before Giyuu slipped his pants off revealing his wild boner. Shinobu reached out her hand to touch it before Giyuu said "Let's skip the foreplay, darling." Shinobu Lied down on her back while Giyuu slipped his member into her pussy, it wasn't long before Giyuu started to get impatient and pounded into her.

"This- this is unlike Giyuu, he's going way faster than usual, but I love it." Shinobu thought to herself while moaning aloud. Giyuu started to heavily grunt, "Shinobu, I-I'm close!" "Agh, me too!" Before Giyuu could cum into her, he pulled out and came all over he stomach, they both were panting loudly before Giyuu said. "That was a ride." "Sure, was" Shinobu said back. They got cleaned up and went to sleep together.

Soooo, sorry it took so fucking long to get this out. But now I can FINALLY focus on my beauty and beast story, anyway. I'm too tired to make the outro look good, so bye I guess?

//The talkative butterfly and the quiet loner// (Giyushino)Where stories live. Discover now