🍋Teasing 🍋 ||Chap 7||

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Uhhh, my other chapter got deleted, cause I panicked bc by accident I published it. So then I just deleted the part because I  panicked cause I'm stupid. And since I'm not rewriting another 1500 words, this is going to have a diffrent plot, thanks for your understanding 😭😭

Also yes, the covers will now be my art <3

R15+: yesss, this is the 🍋 chapter. If my sister somehow finds this then here's a note for her: girlie, get out of this chapter right now, for your own good. And you better not snitch. Cause snitches get no bitches. 🗡️🗡️🗡️

Shinobu had realized a lot of women would ask Giyuu on dates or even try to "seduce" him. This often made Shinobu jealous, but Giyuu would turn them down every time. This didn't stop her jealousy though. 

So Shinobu purchased a special outfit to tease Giyuu. Sure, it may not work but it was worth a shot. She bought a dress with a medium opening at the chest area and a skirt reaching her mid-thighs. Although this may be too much, she was too jealous of these other girls. 

Flashback thingy. 

"Shinobu, you haven't talked to me all day, what's wrong?" Giyuu said trying to see Shinobus face. But she turned away from him, huffed some air. And said. 

"Giyuu-san, all these girls always want you, and you want me to not be jealous?" Giyuu had realized he hadn't been giving Shinobu much attention lately. So he went to go and hug her. "This dude has the most random times for hugs." Shinobu thought, giyuu just went "just so you know, those girls mean nothing to me." 

That made Shinobu feel better. But she still felt like doing something devious, so she decided the next day that she would wear that provocative outfit....

On that day

It was just a day like no other, Giyuu was up first so he was sitting on a bench reach the hotel, when Shinobu walked out he was very stunned at her boldness. 

"W-what's with the outfit?" Giyuu said with his face flushed, he had a clear fee of her chest, and that didn't really seem right with him. 

"I don't really see the problem Giyuu-san?" Shinobu said innocently, suddenly, a breeze came by and lifted her skirt. And for a few moments, he could see her red lingerie.

 His face could rival a tomato's.  And his face was like that the whole day, when they were walking, she would purposely bump into his arm causing her chest to touch him. And when a breeze came by, she would purposely go in front of him so he could see her undergarment. Giyuu wasn't really dumb. 

He knew that she was trying to make him feel embarrassed, and it was working. Even when they were getting food, they sat across from each other, she opened her legs a touch purposely. 

So when they got back to the hotel at about 3:00pm. He couldn't take it much longer..😏

🍋🍋🍋🍋guys this is where it starts! Sorry it's too early. I just deleted my other chapter so I have no motivation at all. Anygays, I don't censor words...So uh. Yeah. And innocent beans, this is your last warning!!  🙌🏽🥰

Giyuu grabbed her waist. "Fufu, Giyuu-san, what are you doing?" Giyuu replied with "what am I doing? Why were you teasing me all day?" Shinobu smirked as he said this, then suddenly he pushed her onto the bed and started kissing her hard. Her muffled moans could be heard.

 As both of their tongues swished around each others. Once they stopped, a string of saliva connected from their lips. Giyuu leaned in and whispered in her ear. "Are you sure you what to continue? I won't hold back." A slow nod was all he needed before removing both of their clothing as put two fingers at her entrance that was dripping wet. 

He started fingering her, she moaned at the same pace as his thrusting. "Damn, your this wet over me?" He said teasing her clit, then he again inserted two fingers in her drenching wet pussy. "Ahhn- Giyuu-" Shinobu moaned into his ear, he moved his fingers in and out. "Ahh~" Giyuu had hit a rough part and she came on his fingers.

  "Guess that's her sweet spot."  

He took out his fingers and smirked. Shinobu was gasping due to her recent orgasm. After a few moments she said, "G-give me the real thing now." Giyuu was surprised at her boldness, but complied. But first, he wanted to "punish" her for her teasing that day. He slowly rubbed his dick against her entrance causing her to slowly moan. 

"Ngh, stop teasing me- AH~" Before Shinobu could say anything else, he shoved his full length into her. "Dammit..Your so tight." Giyuu said in between grunts. He started slow and then sped up after a few minutes. "Ahh~ Giyuu" 

 Giyuu couldn't take the way she said his name so lewdly. He started thrusting roughly, Shinobu grabbed onto his hair while moaning. "Ahn- Giyuu im cumming!!" Shinobu said. "Ngh- me too." Giyuu replied. They both climaxed together and Giyuu rode out his high for a few seconds.

 Then he covered both of them with a blanket and said. "What was that for?" Shinobu slyly replied. "Oh, I'm just marking my claim on you." "I was always yours." And the they both drifted to sleep. 

Boom boom BOOM! I'm never writing smut again I swear, unless anybody wants me too. 🤭🤭 but school has been like "😄🗡️🗡️" to me. And I have to study n shit 24/7. And my brother, has his holy communion thing. (That doesn't give away his age haha) So like, we also have to prepare for that. Ok well. I'm doing this behind my parents back. And if they saw me write this.....I would be disowned.. but anyway goodbye! 👍🏽

//The talkative butterfly and the quiet loner// (Giyushino)Where stories live. Discover now