Research ||Chap.6||

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Yes, the cover Is my art. Should I make my covers my art? 

3rd person:

Shinobu had woken up off the bed. "Huh, I must have rolled off in the night, oh well."  She turned her head to see Giyuu sleeping. "Oh right, last night. I was so stupid then. But I wasn't even lying." She then got up out of the futon and got ready. In her corps uniform. 

In town.

"Come to think of it, I need more wisteria, I heard a mountain was full of it."  Shinobu saw a stand with a map for the area  and bought it.

Shinobu headed toward the mountin. Giyuu was already ready at that time and decided to do some research about wisteria. 

Conveniently, there was a book that Giyuu bought. As soon as he got back to the hotel he started reading the first page. 

Wisterias affects on the human body.

Uhh, btw. None of this is real, this is just for fun, cause I ain't no doctor and I don't know medical stuff. I'm pretty stupid. This is just cause why not. 

Wisteria is a plant that is normally purple in colour, and will grow in mountains. If prepared the proper way, Wisteria can be used in medicines. Normally,  plain Wisteria won't have much effects on humans if you inject it into your bloodstream once, if  there is excessive  consumption or injection of wisteria, it could be fatal. And may kill the human injecting or consuming it.

This statement alone made shivers go down Giyuus spine. "The fact that she's been doing this for almost two years now, on a daily  basis." Giyuu kept on reading the book, although he understood almost nothing about it. It was enough to know that she was dangerous to her life. 

With Shinobu.

"This Mountain is beautiful! I wish Kanae was Here to see it." For some context, The Mountain looked a lot like the final selection Mountain, except there was More wisteria n stuff. Most likely Demons won't go there. Shinobu had brought along a basket she found in the hotel, there was also a lot of herbs in the mountain. "Huh, it's getting quite dark, I'm a hashira, and I don't need to worry much about the demons, but it's also cloudy today, so demons could be lurking around."  It was a pretty busy day for the both of them, to the best of his ability, Giyuu tried to research and understand everything he could about the effect of wisteria on humans bodies. 

With Giyuu 

"If Shinobu knew how much I was researching for her, she would probably nag me for hours."  Giyuu sighed, as he was reaching the end of his book. 

Just then, He heard the door slide open slowly, he quickly shoved the book in his bag and acted like he was sharpening his sword. 

As expected, Shinobu came in holding a variety of herbs. But what really caught his eye, was the wisteria. Before, he wouldn't suspect anything. Now that he knew what she might do with it, many thoughts ruled his mind. "What will she do with it? Is it just for her blade, but that's a lot just for her blade. What if she is planning on injecting some into herself?"

Just then Shinobu spoke. "Ara, Ara Giyuu-san! You're always so lost in thought. This is why nobody likes you!" Shinobu said, teasing him. "But you like me." Giyuu replied in an emotionless voice. 

A visible blush appeared on Shinobus face. "U-Uhm, I don't count silly!" She said rather awkwardly. 

She hurried over to her bag and crushed up some of the wisteria, and mixing it with water before putting it into a needle. Giyuu watched All of this with a worried expression.

 "Please don't say your using it for....That." 

He said before looking down. She turned to him with a "what are you talking about?" Kind of face. "Ah, thank you for your concern, I am." She replied smiling at him.

 Giyuu however, did not find this the time to smile at all. He was hoping she would say something  like "I'm using it for medicine." Or something like that. 

Giyuu stood up and walked towards Shinobu. She looked at him with a very confused expression. Suddenly, he grabbed her hand. 

"Shinobu, Please don't do this anymore, I don't want to lose another important person To me." Shinobu could See The sadness in his eyes. She thought to herself. "How would nee-san handle this? I dont want to hurt him." 

 She took a deep breath before holding out her other hand and saying. "I promise I won't do it again, if it truly makes you happy." She said softly before giving Giyuu a small smile.

 "Did she just promise me this? Am I dreaming, if so. Kami-sama. Don't make me wake up!"  Giyuu thought to himself before smiling back at her. "It does, so thank you." He said. "You Look tired, I wonder what you were doing all day, we should go to sleep." Shinobu said before going to change. 

Soon after that, Giyuu went to change himself, when they were both on the futon, Shinobu kept moving away slowly to not make things awkward. But then Giyuu  said

 "can you move Please?"

 A tick mark was on Shinobus forehead, "this is as much as I can move, Giyuu-san." he deadpanned at her.

 "No, I meant move closer." Shinobu started blushing madly before Giyuu pulled her into a hug. 

All that was going through her head was. "Is this really happening!? But he's kinda warm though- NO!  What am I thinking!" The night ended peacefully.

Hello! I'm back after like- 2 weeks, I'm so so so sorry I didn't upload, I had a writers block. I kinda have this thing were I either have an art block or a writers block. And during that time I'm either writing alot of stories, or drawing alot. But anyway, I hope you enjoyed this chapter. And the next chapter is going to be SPICYYY! At least...I hope I will make it spicy. Idk. But goodbye!

//The talkative butterfly and the quiet loner// (Giyushino)Where stories live. Discover now