Shinobus confession (and Giyuus 😏) ||Chap.5||

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This chapter gets really cringy. So prepare to cringe 😭😭

"Why are you injecting poison into yourself." Shinobu gulped for a second and turned to Giyuu with a smile. Giyuu, however, was not smiling at all. 

He wanted answers out of her. He didn't want to make assumptions. "Ah, you are smart aren't you? Well, you see. When my sister died. I was plagued by revenge. I cannot cut off a demons head. I know the poison alone in my blade wasn't enough to kill a demon that could kill a Hashira."

 Shinobu went on with Giyuu attentively listening. "That's when I started to think that I could inject wisteria poison into my blood. Wisteria won't kill a human, unless the human has a disease of some sort. If I got the demon to eat me then I could kill it from the inside." Shinobu stopped.

 "Don't you care about death? Everybody you know cares about you."  Giyuu said. "Even me."  He thought. "I don't care about death, or my elder sisters  wishes to not fight as a demon slayer." Shinobu replied with a soft smile. "After all, you probably don't care about death at all, Tomioka-san." Giyuu didn't think her jokes were funny. 

"Kocho. This isn't a joke. Just think about what would happen if you died." Giyuu said in a stern voice. He sighed and kept on going. "If Kanao or Aoi were to find out you died.  Do you think that would sit right with them?" 

Shinobu gave Giyuu a ticked off smile. "Thank you for your concern. But this doesn't involve you. Why do you even care so much?" This just made Giyuu more frustrated. 

He grabbed Shinobus arms lightly towards him to make her look up at him. "I care...I care because I love you." 

Before we continue I just want to say, I suck at Romance. And although I literally am writing a romance story. Im bad at making characters kiss. 

Shinobus eyes widened. "Ara,Ara. You are joking right?" Giyuu sighed and pulled her into a hug. "Do you think I'm joking?" Shinobu started blushing heavily. After all, her crush had just confessed to her. She was so lost in the moment Shinobu blurted out "I-I love you too." 

This was a new feeling to Giyuu. He was so used to being sad, or not feeling anything at all. He felt happy, his heart fluttering with happiness. "Do you really mean that?" Giyuu said tightening his hug. 

Shinobu had just realized she confesssed back to him, she didn't want to admit the fact she loved the person she teased all the time. So she let go of him. 

But being the way she is, she decided to start teasing him a bit. "Oh wow, how unexpected. You can actually love somebody Tomioka-san!" Shinobu exclaimed. 

When Shinobu looked up at him. He was looking away with his hand over his mouth. "Ah, my my. Are you smiling perhaps? That's not embarrassing you know!" 

Before Shinobu could utter another word Giyuu had pulled her in to kiss her. "No way." Shinobu thought to herself. After a few seconds they broke apart. Shinobu looked at him with wide eyes and a flushed face, while Giyuu just had a soft smile. 

"Oh H-huh! W-why'd you do that?" Shinobu muttered, loud enough for Giyuu to hear her. "Why, you don't like it?" He replied. "Uh- well no! That's not what I meant- uhhh." 

Shinobu twiddled with her thumbs avoiding eye contact. "I mean..You're good looking. And sometimes kind to people...And you're quiet..but I like that." Shinobu said almost whispering. Just then Giyuus eyes widened. So many things were going on in both of their heads. Just then.


"Eh..?" Giyuu looked down to see Shinobu had fainted. "Oh, she fainted. This is a perfect opportunity to do something important."  Although Giyuu had literally just kissed Shinobu. 

He figured there were more important things to be worrying about. He got up. Adjusted her on the futon more comfortably. And slowly walked over to her bag. *sigh* "This is a bad idea. Is it ok to look through peoples things? I mean, this is for her well being. I'm not doing this for no reason." 

Giyuu looked in her baggage. And then there was another small bag. He slowly opened it. "What the fuck have I  just stumbled upon? Oh Giyuu, you really have done it."

 When Giyuu looked in the bag, he saw a pair of laced red underwear and a bra. He immediately put the small bag inside of the bigger one. "I shouldn't let that stop my investigation! So what if she had red lingerie.....?"


Giyuu had smacked himself in the face with the bag. "I must...Get rid of all dirty thoughts..."  He was about to put everything away when a piece of paper flew out of the bag. He read it. 

Dear Kanao, 

I'm sorry I wasn't able to be there for your final selection. I apologize. As you know, I have instructed you to help me defeat upper moon 2. I have started to inject more wisteria in my blood. Im feeling very unwell, if you could somehow grab more wisteria from the mountains. That would help me a ton. Please don't worry about me. Im planning on maybe telling Mitsuri about this, although she's a blabber mouth, haha. Although you have pestered me to tell Tomioka-san about this. I don't think I can bring myself to do that..I don't want him to worry about me, hah. Who am I kidding? He probably doesn't care about me. He has the right to. Even if he did. I fear he may interfere with my plan. Kanao, I need you to accept I'm ready to sacrifice myself for my sister. Actually, OUR sister. Aoi and the girls said hello. I wish the best of luck for you.

-Sincerely, Kocho Shinobu.

Giyuu looked at the piece of paper below him. For some reason he felt guilt wash over him "was I not trustable enough for her?"  Although he tried to brush it off, since it was an old letter. "She trusted me enough now.  This is an old letter after all."  Giyuu put the letter back in her bag. 

The next day-

Lol just kidding. This got really cringe, but in my Defense...I wrote this at 4am. Also, in a few chapters there will be a lemon. Just a warning. I tried to make this as canon as possibly but it looks bad. But it's okay, right?? 😭😭

//The talkative butterfly and the quiet loner// (Giyushino)Where stories live. Discover now