Shinobus secret ||Chap.3||

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Nobody's pov: 

The same nightmare popped up in Shinobus head. Over and over,  It seemed like hours to her. 

"Nee-san!" Shinobu cried out while holding her sister in her arms. "Shinobu. Please, don't become a demon slayer. I want you to live a normal life." Kanae responded weakly. "Stop talking! I'll bring you to a Kakushi and they will help you! I swear!" 

"There's no point. I will die very soon." Shinobu, still teary eyed said "Who is this Monster. That hurt you?" "It was..A demon..With blood on top of his head.. And his eyes..Said upper 2....." And a few moments later Kanae took her last breaths. "NEE-SAN!"

Shinobu then woke up. Crying. Noticing she was still on the ground. Although it had only been 30 minutes. The nightmare felt like hours, Of repetitive hell. Shinobu was now plagued by revenge in her head. She w.asked over to her case. Which held viles of wisteria poison. This was intended for her blade, but she could also inject poised into herself with it. She grabbed the first one, and without hesitation she injected it into her left arm. While repeating "Nee-san. I will kill this demon for you." 

Now to Giyuu 

"Huh, it seems the bridge to the Lake is where the demons kill humans. There is many blood stains here." As Giyuu walked back to the village he looked at a clock. "Shit. Shinobu is probably wondering where I am." Giyuu then ran at the speed of light to get back at the hotel. 

With Shinobu

"Damn it. My arm is turning purple, again.  I don't care. I'm sick of being weak." Shinobu thought to herself. She was filled with rage more than usual. The nightmare had really gotten to her head. By now, she had injecting 6 viles into herself.

When Giyuu finally arrived he saw the door was slightly open and he could hear something. He decided to look because he didn't want to barge in. Thinking he could intrude her privacy.  When he looked through it looked like just Shinobu holding wisteria, then she injected it into her arm. He also noticed she was crying and mumbling something to herself. It's took a moment to realize what she was doing.  Giyuu was already terrified. When he looked at her arm, her veins were popping and her arm was turning purple. Along with her veins.   

"I'm not just going to watch this." Giyuu thought. Then, he swung the door open. "Kocho, what the hell are you doing?" Shinobu looked up surprised. "I-I." Shinobu wanted to say something, but then she passed out. The last thing she heard was Giyuu saying her name. Over and over. "Kocho?! Kocho are you awake?!" As soon as Shinobu fell over, Giyuu caught her. He did also fall onto his knees. But he looked down. Looking at her arm. "This isn't normal." Giyuu thought. Her face was covered in tears. She had been crying for a while now. 

"If I had come sooner. I might have been able to stop her." It hurt Giyuu to look at her like this. He even admitted to himself he did in fact gain a crush on her. Although she teased him alot. He was in fact aware she was just trying to help him make friends.  But that wasn't the point. He laid Shinobu on the futon. And tried think on what he could do to get her to stop this. If she didn't flinch even once injecting the poison into her. She had probably done this multiple times. 

This could be very deadly to her.  "I wonder if anybody else knows that she's been doing this, the only person I think she would trust is Kanao." Giyuu thought to himself. He had already laid Shinobu down on the futon. And his suspicions were correct, for a year. Kanao had known about Shinobus plan. She was terrified, considering upper moon 2 killed her older sister, Kanae.

  Kanao didn't want to lose another sister to him.  But she knew Shinobu wouldn't listen to her. So she just watched her for a year, it's not like it didn't hurt her. She just didn't know what to do. 

Timeskip 1 hour.

Giyuu was getting tired. He tried to think of what to do with Shinobus arm. But he's no doctor, (let's be honest. Hes probably the opposite.) Since he didn't know if Shinobu was on board with sleeping beside him..Just kidding Giyuu didn't care he hopped onto that futon. When he got on. He felt something cling to his arm, yup, it was Shinobu. Giyuu froze. "Huh, I have no idea what to do in this situation." Giyuu whispered. So he just let her hug his arm. Then after that, he let sleep take over him and the next day they would go to the lake to inspect the area  themselves.

A/N: Yeah, I know this chapter came out early 💅🏽 my period is gone for the rest of the month (thank god.) and I really only have a test coming up in a week. So I should be able to upload more often. Ty for reading.

Bye. ✌🏼

//The talkative butterfly and the quiet loner// (Giyushino)Where stories live. Discover now