The mission starts ||Chap.2||

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3rd person (again lol)

Tomioka and Shinobu woke up at about 8:15 am to start their mission. Shinobu said her farewell to  the butterfly sisters. Although it took a while to get Naho, Kiyo and Sumi to stop crying. She took her leave. "I can't believe they're being so emotional! It's only a few days anyway!" Shinobu thought to herself. But she was misunderstood. They thought Shinobu would leave them for Giyuu. Tomioka on the other hand just had to get ready in his traditional kimono. (His was just black, white and blue lol) of course, Shinobu had tried to avoid eye contact the entire time. Somehow. Giyu had the balls to say "I like your kimono." Shinobu ran away. It took 25 minutes until Tomioka caught up to her. Still, he was very confused.

Time skip to the hotel bc I'm lazy 💅🏽 also bc it's 4am

Giyu and Shinobu had already made their way to the Hotel. They had checked in. Shinobu, the entire time was trying to avoid all eye contact. Giyuu. Being the oblivious bean he is. Had no idea why she was acting this way. Then suddenly "Hey..Tomioka-san our room is that way." Shinobu said this really REALLY awkwardly. Suddenly Giyuu put his and on her forehead. "Do you have a fever. You seem sick." This just made matters worse. When they finally got to their room. Shinobu couldn't wait to lay down in her futon. But when they got there. There was only one. "No no no! This can't possibly be happening! Right?" Shinobu thought she was seeing things. But nope. There was one futon. Giyuu didn't not care the slightest. Since he used to share a futon with Makomo and Tsutako before this. It was already around 7:15pm. Shinobu was given a map with upcoming event around the town. A particular festival caught her eye. 

It said "spring festival! Coming April 2nd *taisho era year*." It was march 26th, the whole time Shinobu didn't realize Giyuu looking over her shoulder. When she she finally turned around she just screamed. It was an ear piercing scream. Giyuu for some reason did not care at all and just said. "Huh, a festival. At that time I bet that's when the demons will strike." Shinobu just nodded as he went  on. "Of course, with the crowd of people. It would be easy to drag a few away and kill them." Just then. You could almost see a lightbulb above Shinobus head. She clapped her hands together. 

"That's it! All we need to do is go to the festival and stay away from the crowd. Then, the demons will probably ask us to go to their place, we accept and then, when their guard is down, we kill them!" Now with determination in Shinobus eyes, she looked down at the paper that was now in Giyuus hands and said "Wait, when is the festival..?" Giyuu just replied "a week." Then it seemed as if the spark in Shinobus mind had gone *poof* "no, no and no. I'm not having a week long mission. And not with Tomioka-san. He is one of the worst people to work with. He barely even talks. How am I supposed to interact with him?"  Even though Shinobu was lying to get herself to not like Giyuu. At that moment. Shinobu had no idea she said those words out loud. For some reason Giyuu was sad. Even he had no idea why, although overtime they had become "friends." You could say. Shinobu was really the only one he talked to, other than the occasional conversations with Tanjiro and Nezuko.  "Ah, sorry I didn't know what I was saying myself." Shinobu said in an awkward voice. But she wasn't lying. She really didn't know what she was saying at the time. Then, Giyuu got up and put his hand on the door and said. "I'm going to check out the town." 

Timeskip to night cause yea. 🫠

Shinobu was doing research about the town in the meantime. Giyuu was out doing Giyuu things,   I'll get to that later. She fell asleep and while she was drifting off, a terrible nightmare came into her head...

A/N: Ok, ok. I haven't been online WattPad for a bit. School has bitten me in the ass. And then after the school stuff. My period was just like 😃. But yeah, hopefully uploads won't be that slow anymore

Peace out. ✌🏼

//The talkative butterfly and the quiet loner// (Giyushino)Where stories live. Discover now