Chapter 1

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HELLO! So I've come to a conclusion that we all can't get enough of Liam and Brooklyn ;) so I'm writing a third story, which will complete a trilogy! And if you're just joining us now, you may want to go read the first story 'Unbreakable' and the second story 'Telling The World' then come back here and catch up on 'The Sound of Waves' ANYWHO........ Hope y'all like this one :3 ENJOY! Xox



I sighed and put the picture frame back down on the table beside my bed. "You miss it don't you," Liam said, looking over at the picture of my brother Josh, himself and I on the beach in St. Thomas with a sunset behind us. "Yeah," I breathed. Liam reached forwards from my bed and pulled me back into his arms. "We should plan a trip and go back," Liam said. I cuddled into him and closed my eyes momentarily, picturing the white sands and the blue water. I wanted to remember the sound of all those waves crashing up on the beach and the heat radiating on my skin. "I would love to go back," I said, "But I have to focus on school." "Brooklyn," Liam said, "You only have a few days left." "I know, then I'm finally on summer vacation," I said, resting my head on his chest, "We can plan something after that." He sighed and I looked up to catch him smiling, "I've always admired your love for academics." "Oh shut up," I told him, "We both know you hate it sometimes." "What?" He seemed surprised as I pulled away from him. "Liam, I can see the boredom and annoyance in your eyes when I talk about school." "Are you kidding me?" He asked, "I love it! Seeing you happy makes me happy! And I love knowing I have a smart girlfriend." "So you wouldn't mind if I went to class now?" I asked him, standing up. He tried to hide his disappointed reaction, "No," he said with a forced smile. But I knew he didn't want me to leave yet. There were only so many days were he could come visit me at the University. But there were only so many minutes of those days were I wasn't in class. "Liam," I said and he looked up at me longingly, "I don't have classes today." He looked at me blankly before my words set in then he smiled, "Really?" He sounded relieved and excited. "I was just kidding," I said, ruffling his short hair.

Suddenly the door to my dorm swung open and in walked my room mate Ann, "So!" She exclaimed loudly as Niall followed in behind her. "What are the plans for tonight?!" She was all smiles and seemed to be in a shockingly good mood for a Monday. "It's a celebration! Come on guys!" Niall said, seeming equally as happy. "What are we celebrating?" I asked, wondering what news they had for us. "Oh, Brooklyn! You're so blonde!" Ann said walking by me and patting my head. "Hey!" Niall exclaimed, "That's offensive!" "Calm down hot stuff, you're not a real blonde!" Ann said, falling down to her bed. "She's right," Liam said and Niall shook his head, "How could you take her side?" "One thing I've learnt about being in a relationship is that you have to keep your girlfriend happy," Liam said. "Is that why you say you don't mind when I talk about school?" I ask, turning around and looking at Liam. "No!" He said, "I'm telling you the truth, I love it!" "He's lying," Niall said, joining Ann on her bed. "Shut up, Niall!" Liam said, teasingly covering my ears. "Liam!" I said, laughing and pulling his hands off my ears. "Brooklyn!" Ann called me, I turned to look at her, "What?!" I said. "Ann!" Niall shouted. We both turned to look at him. He looked between Ann and I then back at Ann, "What?" He asked. "You called my name?!" Ann said. "Oh, right," Niall said, "I love you." "You're such a dork!" Ann exclaimed, grabbing a pillow and stuffing it in Niall's face. "Guys!" Liam yelled and everyone froze. "What are we celebrating?!" Ann and Niall shared a glance, "You seriously don't know?" Ann asked. "That's sad, mate," Niall said. Liam and I shared a glance, not knowing at all what they were talking about. "Guys, it's June 30th," Niall said. I felt my eyes become wide, "The day we met," I gasped, looking back at Liam. "Also know as...!" Ann said, edging us on. "Our anniversary," Liam and I said together. He had his eyes locked with mine. I couldn't believe we both forgot. "Finally!" Niall said. I'm surprised Ann and Niall remembered that we told them we decided our anniversary was the day we met. We couldn't say our relationship started when we had our first kiss because we both knew it had started long before that. "I can't believe I forgot," I whispered, not breaking eye contact. "Me neither," Liam said quietly. "Good thing you have us," Ann exclaimed, finally we both looked away. "WE made plans," Niall said. I chuckled, "This is so embarrassing," I said, "Our two best friends remembered our anniversary and made plans." Liam chuckled too, "I know." "We're amazing," Ann said, "Just say it." "You know you want to," Niall said. "Shut up and tell us the plans," Liam said. Niall grinned, "It's a surprise." I smiled, looking back at Liam, "I love surprises," I said. He smiled and pulled my long blonde hair behind me, "I know love," he said, resting his hand on my cheek. "Whoa there, love birds," Niall said, "Save that for tonight!" "Niall!" I exclaimed, turning away from Liam to glare at him. "I'm kidding," he said, "Relax a little French Fry." I laughed as he brought up the nick name Ann had given me because I was French Canadian. I called her English Muffin because she was English Canadian. "Commence pas avec ça!" I said. "What?" Niall asked. I laughed, "I said don't start with that." "Freaking French Fries," Niall said to Ann. She laughed and shushed him. "So Liam, you're going to go with Niall and get ready, Brooklyn you're going to stay with me and we will meet at the front gates of the university in an hour." "You mean I have to leave my girlfriend for an HOUR on our anniversary?" Liam complained. "Oh, suck it up butter cup," Ann said, "You didn't even know it was your anniversary until a few minutes ago." That made him stop. I smiled and took his hand, "It's only an hour," I told him. He smiled. "Let's go, Payne!" Niall said already at the door, "We're burning day light!" Liam sighed and crawled out of my bed. "I'll see you soon," I said, gently taking his hand. He smiled at me as he held on until I was out of reach. "Stop it! You'll see each other in an hour!" Ann said, stepping between us. I heard the door close and we were alone. Ann grinned at me, "Let's get started!"

At 5:30 Ann and I were standing outside the university waiting for our boyfriends. She has dolled me up for a night out on the town. I was wearing a flowing summer dress and my hair was blowing in the wind. I know it sounds cheesy, but I truly felt beautiful. And that's hard for me to admit that. I bounced on my toes as I became excited. "Calm down there French Fry," Ann said standing there causally. "I can't," I said, beaming, "I don't know why, I'm just so giddy!" "Brooklyn, seriously, calm down," Ann said, resting a hand on my shoulder. I turned and looked at her with an annoyed look. "Thank you," he said. We were only in silence for a moment before I heard Liam call my name. I spotted him across the street and I swear the world stopped. It's just like we were seeing each other for the first time. I froze, feeling those butter flies in my stomach all over again as he stood there across the street from me. He had this adorable grin and I knew he couldn't take his eyes off me. I felt heat rise to my cheeks as we just stood there. I took a step off the curb but then his expression changed. His face filled with fear as he stepped off the curb as well but came running towards me. I didn't understand, what was going on? "BROOKLYN, NO!" Liam screamed at me. But it was too late. It all happened within seconds. Liam didn't reach me in time and I was hit. By a car, a truck, a bus, I didn't know. But I did know there was a shock reverberating through my body and bones. I was flying through the air until I landed on my back and my head swung back. As it hit the pavement my world went black.

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