Chapter 10

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"I-I... I um," I stood there stuttering as I looked into Liam's eyes. "Spit it out Brooklyn," Liam said. I glanced to my left at his dresser. Nothing to use for an excuse. "Brooklyn, why are you in my bedroom?" Liam asked, taking my arm. "I was looking for something," I said quietly, hoping something would pop into my head for a cover story. "What were you looking for?" He asked, seeming more concerned than angry. "A-um-ah," I stuttered, "A HOODIE!" I exclaimed. Liam gave me a funny look, "I don't have any and the air conditioning in here is giving me the chills." Liam kept his eyes on me for a moment before letting go of my arm and stepping back. He pulled off the hoodie he was wearing and handed it to me. "Oh," I said, taking it, "You didn't have to give me the one you were wearing." "It was my only clean one," he said. I nodded my head, "okay?" I said. I pulled the hoodie over my head and let it envelop my body. I brought the fabric close to my face, being drawn to a certain smell. "You always do that," Liam says, "I have no idea why!" I smiled, "You smell amazing! I love your cologne!" I said, forgetting about the search for my phone. "That's why you do it? You like my cologne?" He said. "It's not just that, any guy could wear that cologne, but it's mixed with the smell of everything. It smells like you, Liam. And that's damn good." He smiled and sat down on his bed, plugging in his phone to charge. I took a deep breath and decided since I wouldn't find my phone and Liam seemed to have all the answers then I should ask him. "Liam?" I said, sitting down beside him. "It's so weird to see you in my clothes again," he said quietly. I smiled, "Yeah, I never thought I would actually make it to this point. But Liam, I have a question for you." He looked at me with insightful eyes, "Anything," he said. "What happened to my phone?" I asked. He seemed to become tongue tied, I felt like he was facing an inner conflict on what words to chose. They always say use your words wisely. "Well," he started, "I um... Well the doctors said it would be best if you didn't have your phone for a while." "So where is it?" I asked. "They asked me to keep it hidden," Liam said quietly. I nodded my head slowly, "Why do they think it's best?" I asked, pulling my right leg underneath me and turning to face Liam. He looked at me like he was surprised to see I wasn't angry. "Well, due to the social networking sites you're connected to, they don't want you to get overwhelmed, that's all." "Right," I said slowly, playing with the hem of t shorts, "Because I was dating you, I must have gotten lots of hate. They didn't want me to be saddened with my loss of memory and then thrown into depression with hateful words. They worried that since I wasn't used to being around someone famous that it would all be too shell shocking for me." "Yeah," Liam said slowly, "I guess so." I took a deep breath, "Am I in way over my head?" I asked. "What do you mean?" Liam asked, leaning closer. "I don't know. I've lost my memory and I haven't even had a few days for just me. I'm trying to pick up the pieces from my other life, when they just keep multiplying." "What are you getting at, Brooklyn?" Liam asked. "It's just, I think we need to stop trying to make our lives the way they were. We need to start from scratch," I said, "We also need to start of as friends." "But... What about the kiss?" Liam asked. I bit the inside of my lip, "That was a mistake," I said cautiously. I saw the immediate pain in his eyes. "No! Liam, I'm sorry, it's not like that! I wanted to kiss you, but if I want to change the course of my life, then there are just a few more things I need to forget." "Why?" He asked, "Why do you keep wanting to forget? You've already forgotten so much, and I can see it kills you every time you feel like you should remember something. I see things that you don't, Brooklyn! Please, I don't want to lose you again. Just let things be! And if something happens then it happens! And if it doesn't, well you can start that new life you want. Just give it a chance, please." I took a deep breath, he really wanted me to agree, I could see it. "Liam, I-" "Let me prove to you that I can be the best boyfriend in the world! And if you still don't want to be with me after that then that's it," he said. I let my eyes wander between his, pondering on his words. "You have two weeks," I finally said, catching both of us off guard. He looked at me, shocked, for a few moments then shook his head free, "Deal." "So," I said, "I guess you're now my trial boyfriend." He nodded his head distractedly, a small smile on his face, "I guess so."

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