Chapter 8

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"Liam... Liam! Liam, No!" I shouted as I jumped up from the chair at the table. I quickly got to his side and grabbed his hand before he put in the wrong seasoning. "That's not paprika," I said, taking the bottle from his fingers, "It's curry powder." I couldn't hold back a laugh as he stood there slightly embarrassed. "I told you something would go wrong," he said turning to me. I laughed and gently pushed him over a little. "You have to keep stirring," I told him, taking the spatula he had been using, "Or else it will stick and you will be faced with a horrid hassle of cleaning the pan." "What would I do without you?" He asks, folding his arms across his chest. I smile at him then reached for his hand. He seemed surprise at first, but then he pressed his lips together in a flat line as I put the spatula into his hand. The look he gave me was a kind of teasing look and I just smiled and left him to it. "I'll go get the paprika," I said, "Don't set anything on fire when I turn around." He seemed amused with my sarcasm. "Where is Josh, by the way?" I asked as I searched Liam's spice cupboard. "Um, he said he was meeting up with an old friend who moved here years ago," Liam told me, "Mitchell I think he said." My jaw dropped as I turned around to face Liam. "Mitchell Keller?!" I nearly screamed. Liam shrugged his shoulders, "Probably." I had to blink a few times before I said something, "I haven't heard that name in ages! Let alone seen him!" Liam chuckled, "Well maybe you should call your brother and ask him to bring him up for dinner." "With your cooking?" I teased. "Yeah, maybe not," Liam said. I smiled, as I put the paprika into the food. Just then Liam's phone started ringing, he stepped away from me and into the living room. I heard him answer but I tuned out after that.

"Well it looks like it's just you and I tonight," Liam said, stashing his phone in his pocket. "Why?" I asked as I kept stirring. "Well that was Josh, and he said he and Mitchell were going to catch up over some drinks." "Okay," I said. There were two thoughts running through my mind. One; since when did Mitchell live in London? Two; Was Josh doing this to purposely get Liam and I alone?

"Love?" Liam said. I turned to him, "Are you okay?" He asked after a few minutes of silence. I bit my lip and let the spatula fall into the pan, "I don't know," my voice cracked and Liam was quick to pull me into his arms. I put my arms around his middle and hid my face in his neck. "Shh," he said, stroking back my hair. I don't know why I was starting to cry, things had been perfectly fine moments ago. "I don't even know why I'm crying," I said pulling away slightly and wiping at my eyes. Liam reached up and pushed my hand away gently, taking over the job, "It's okay," he whispered. I managed a slight smile, "I'm so sorry for breaking down on you." "Seriously, Brooklyn? You're apologizing?" Liam said, looking me in the eyes. "It's just, I've been such a hassle for you lately," I said, "I feel terrible, I'm stoping you from living your life." "My whole life revolves around my music and you," Liam said, "You're not keeping me from anything." I fell silent, there it was again, the subject of my life not being the same anymore. Liam caught on quickly, "I'm sorry, that was inappropriate. It's just hard to catch myself before I say things like that." "It's okay," I said, "I'm getting used to it." "But I'm so ignorant, I'm still stuck in the past when I have to work with what I have in the present." "Liam, I'm used to it," I said. "You shouldn't be," Liam said. "What if I told you I like it?" I said. He looked up at me, "What?" He said. "I want to know what happened in those two years and you're the only one who can tell me the details and prove what the emotions were...what they still are." Liam looked back at the ground, he was just as uncomfortable with the subject of our relationship as I was. "Liam, I want to be honest with you," I said, leading him over to the table. I sat him down and sat down beside him, I was turned to look at him but he was staring ahead. "I like you, Liam, I have since I woke up in the hospital," Liam was looking at me like he was hearing the obvious truth, "But only recently," I said, "Have I been starting to wonder if I like you as more than a friend." He turned back to me, hopeful. "Y-You do?" He asked. "I...I think so," I said. His lips formed a sweet smile, "So there's a chance that we-?" "Yes," I said. He was looking at me like I had just told him he won the lottery, shock and disbelief in his eyes, but the greatest joy in his smile. "When?" He asked. I bit my lip, I hadn't really thought about that aspect. "I-I don't know, I guess we will see what happens."


"Why don't things like that happen in real life?" I say when a perfect part comes on in the movie Liam and I are watching. He looks at me smiling, "Because better things happen." "Cheese ball," I said. He laughed and looked back at the TV. The ending credits started rolling and I kept my eyes on him. "They always play the best songs at the end," Liam said. I smiled and just as I went to turn to him, his knee brushed mine. It was crazy, that simple touch sent shivers down my spine. I felt something indescribable. "So what now?" Liam asked, looking at me. I turned sideways, "I don't know...Another movie?" I suggested. "We've already seen two," he said, "And it's nearly one in the morning, we wouldn't have time for another one." I sighed and pursed my lips. Josh had come home less than an hour ago and he just went straight to bed, claiming to tell us about the night in the morning. I sat facing Liam with my knees pulled up to my chest. A yawn escaped his lips. "You must be exhausted," I said, gently reaching up and moving his short hair out of his face. "A little," he said, leaning his head back but his eyes found mine. "How long have you been up for?" I asked, hugging my knees again. "Since five thirty," he said. "Liam!" I exclaimed, "You're going to bed," I said, standing up and taking his hands. I pulled him up off the couch and his body seemed limp like he had no more energy left in him. "Come on," I said, leading him by his hand toward his bedroom. I walked in and didn't bother switching on a light. I brought him over to his bed, "I can take it from here," he said, giving my hand a small squeeze. Then he let go and pulled off his shirt, not bothering with his jeans and climbed into bed. I couldn't help but take notice how nice his body was. In addition to his actual personality, this was a great plus. He laid there and stared up at the ceiling. I smiled and sat down beside him, "Thank you for tonight," I said. "There's no need to thank me," Liam said, resting his hand over mine. I pulled my hand our from underneath and put it into his. He held on tight as I felt nervous and happy. I smiled then did something completely unplanned, I leaned down and kissed his cheek, "I want to thank you," I whispered in his ear. When I moved away, he wouldn't take his eyes off of me. He sat up and looked into my eyes like he could see for ever in them. "Brooklyn," Liam said quietly. I held my breath, my heart was practically beating a mile a minute. "Yes...?" I said. He seemed to be nervous to say his next words, "I really want to kiss you right now." I felt my heart racing. All I had to do was say yes or no and my whole life would probably change again. Either for the good or the bad, I don't know. I was too busy weighing my options to notice Liam's hurt expression when I didn't answer. Not even one word came out of my mouth. "Liam," I said, having made up my mind. He looked at me with an ashamed look in his eyes. I took a deep breath, "Kiss me," I said, glancing up into his eyes. I felt like the look he gave me was like he was smiling with his eyes. He slowly reached up and held my cheek in his hand. His hand was gentle and soft to the touch. My eyes bounced back and forth between his and before I knew it, he had glanced down at my lips. I could feel him pulling me in, and my first instinct was to resist, but I let him keep control. I closed my eyes just before our lips met and focused all my senses into touch. I took notice of his hand on the back of my neck and his soft tender lips pressed gently to mine. He made butterflies appear in my stomach, but not the bad kind. I felt tingly all over and couldn't help but realize how perfect of an idea it was to let him kiss me. I felt as if the heat from his lips was warming my whole body. I had all these emotions and feelings, yet the kiss only lasted seconds, before we both pulled away. I smiled at him as I remembered the taste of his lips from only moments ago. He smiled at me too, biting his lower lip like he was hungry for more. "You have no idea how long I've been waiting for that," he said. Suddenly I felt like I was having a déja vue. Reality seemed to mash up into a dream and I couldn't tell the difference between what was real and what wasn't. "Brooklyn...?" Liam said, he sounded worried, as if he could tell I was confused. I snapped out of a trance and looked at him, "Have you told me that before?" I asked. He looked at me blankly. "I feel like you've said those same exact words to me before." Liam's eyes suddenly became wide as he remembered, "I have told you that before! And you've told me the same thing!" I look at him with surprised eyes, "Seriously?" I asked. He nodded his head, "Brooklyn, you're remembering!" I blinked a few times, "I-I am," I whispered. Liam smiled and pulled me in for a hug, but I was still in a daze. "This is Brilliant!" Liam exclaimed. "Yeah," I said, pulling away. He rested his hand on my cheek then let it fall away as I stared blankly at nothing. "Love...?" Liam said. "I'm going to turn in," I said, slowly standing up. "Brooklyn, are you alright?" Liam asked. "Yeah, I'm fine," I said to him with a forced smile. He still seemed skeptic, but I didn't give him a chance to say anymore as I turned around and headed for my own room.

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