Chapter 15

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"One room for the night," Josh said as we stood in the lobby of a popular hotel in St. Thomas. "Two queen beds?" The woman behind the desk asked. "Sure, just charge it on my credit card," Josh said handing the woman his card. Liam and I stood beside each other silently as Morgan still tried to sooth my brother. I bit the inside of my lip and glanced around. Soon Liam took my hand and was pulling me along towards the elevators. Everyone stayed quiet as we rode up to the fifth floor. I felt like I was a tired child, unable to find her way and needing to be pulled along. When we got to the room, I didn't stand with proper posture, my limbs felt weak and my mind was moving so slowly. Once Josh got the door open, I was the last one in. Josh turned on lights, Morgan went into the washroom while Liam walked to the middle of the room and turned to face me. "Love?" He asked. I didn't respond, or even make eye contact, I just shuffled over to the bed and sat down ever so slightly. "Are you okay?" Josh asked as Liam stood by not knowing what to do, probably scared to approach me. I looked up at him with a hallow expression, "I don't know," I said. Josh was quick to sit down beside me, "Is it because of what dad said?" He asked. I looked at him again with vacant eyes, "I don't know," I said in barely a whisper. "You know you can tell me," Josh said. I nodded my head. "I-I just need some rest," I mumbled. Josh pressed his lips together in a flat line. "Okay, sweetie," he said, brushing my hair behind my ear with his fingers. He kissed my head then stood up. I sat there for a few moments before I leaned down on the bed and laid on my side, watching the wall. "I guess we should all turn in too," Morgan said. I kept my eyes on that white wall as everyone shuffled around. Soon Josh and Morgan were in bed and Liam was lying flat on his back on the other side of me. 

"Do you think Brooklyn's okay?" I heard Josh's voice after fifteen minutes of silence. I guess he thought I was sleeping. "Yeah, she's probably just a little hurt," I heard Morgan. "Yeah, but usually when she's around Liam, she gets back to normal, that's why I went to get him. I thought he could cheer her up," Josh said. "Honey, she's most likely traumatized. Your father used to never be like this. He used to be like her best friend." "I know," Josh said, "I just don't want him to hurt her." "You might just have to let her fight her own battles though," Morgan said, "You can't look after her forever. She's going to grow up and she's going to find a man to take on your role of protecting her." "That's what my father is freaking out about though," Josh said, "I took on his role and now Liam is taking on mine. He doesn't have control over Brooklyn anymore." "When did he ever? She is a human being too. He can have input for the beginning of her life, but he can't keep her as a child forever. She will grow up into her own person, she is basically there," Morgan said. "I know that, but my father doesn't," Josh said, "I love her and will do anything to protect her. I know how happy she is with Liam and he's getting in the way of that. I know what it's like to feel that way, I don't want that for her." "I know sweetie," Morgan said, "Don't lose sleep over this. We'll talk in the morning." After that everything was completely silent, except for my brain. I didn't know that Josh was so keen on protecting me, from everything and anything. I didn't know Morgan was so deep and intelectual. But what I didn't want to hear most out of that conversation was about my father. They were both right. My father had been like my best friend, now I felt distanced from him and constantly scared. I sat up from the bed and quietly and calmly stood up. I sat myself down in the chair in the corner and pulled my knees up to my chest. Never have I thought I would feel this way. There was something eating me from the inside and I don't really know whats wrong. Liam shifted and rolled onto his side, thus facing me now. I didn't know he was awake until he spoke my name. I looked over at him and saw him run a hand through his hair, "What are you doing up?" he asked. I bit the inside of my cheek as I looked down at the ground. "I don't know," I mumbled. "What's really bugging you, love?" Liam asked, moving to my side of the bed. "Everything is different," I mumbled. "I know," he said. "No," I said, "I mean everything. Nothing is the same. I thought I could do this, but nothing is the same. I thought I'd be able to make it work." "What do you mean?" Liam asked, suddenly sitting up. "I mean that I feel like I don't belong. I don't know the people I've recently met. I don't remember fights and problems. I don't remember anything happy or good. I'm like the new kid in town, but everyone has already heard about me." "Brooklyn," Liam said. I shook my head as those tears I had been holding in slid down my cheeks. I jumped out of the chair I was in and climbed into bed with Liam. He was shocked and let his arms hover above me before I nuzzled my face into his neck and held him, then he put his strong arms around me as I said, "Just hold me." I let tears fall that I didn't even know I had been holding in. Liam was the only one who seemed to think about my memory loss before he spoke. Sure he forgot sometimes, but I didn't mind, because he and I had gotten to that point where we were almost back to normal. I was still so distant with my father. My brother is overly protective now and my mother acts like nothing is wrong. Liam is the only one who asks me what's wrong and knows the answer. He's the only one who can hold me like this and that's what I need.

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