Chapter 2

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"Brooklyn? BROOKLYN! Answer me! Brooklyn!" My eyes shot open. There was a shooting pain in my ribs. But there was something else. My head was pounding and I felt a immense throbbing at the back of my skull. I reached up and touched it, unable to even feel my fingers there. I pulled my hand back and saw my palm stained red with blood. Was that my blood? It couldn't be. My vision came in and out of focus and I saw someone in front of me. I could barely make out their face as my view became blurry. I was seeing double. I didn't realize my ears were ringing until the ringing was all I could hear. Paramedics were by my side, I tried talking, "What's going on?" I asked, but there was probably nothing coming out of my mouth. They strapped me onto a stretcher and lifted me up into a waiting ambulance. In the harsh lighting my eyes found something easy to focus on. That just so happened to be the boy that was climbing into the ambulance, racing to my side. He was crying, his chest heavy with every breath almost like it was a struggle for him to breathe. His lips were moving but I couldn't hear him. The sharp steady noise was still rattling my ear drums. The boy seemed to be screaming at me, fear and regret clear in his eyes. I feel like he was hopeless, why was he so hopeless? What could I have possible done for him to look at me that way. I didn't want to be the cause for anyone's pain. I tried saying "I'm sorry," but he just kept sobbing. He had hold of my hand and had his head rested on the back of his own hand. I felt like I should help him, even though I didn't know him. I couldn't take my eyes off of him. I feel like I should know him. He seemed attached to me in some way. I felt a needle enter my arm and the boy looked up at a paramedic on my other side. He bit his lip as they shared a few words and I could tell he was holding back tears. He nodded his head as he closed his eyes, tears rolling down his cheeks. He turned to look at me as a numbness began to form in my arm. It spread over my body quickly. The boy took a deep breath and I kept my eyes on him. My ears suddenly stopped ringing and I could hear everything around me. The paramedics trying to stop any bleeding, the heart monitor I was hooked up to, the boys sobs, the truck itself. The boy reached towards me as the numbness reached my toes. He seemed to be more composed as he pushed a piece of my hair out of my face with a shaky hand. He brought his hand back and took mine, bringing it to his lips, "Everything is going to be okay, love," he said, kissing my hand. I still couldn't find my words. But the numbness had spread all over my body and I felt my eyes getting heavy. He rubbed his thumb on the back of my hand as I struggled to keep my eyes open. "I love you, Brooklyn," he said quietly. Who was this boy? Why did he love me? I didn't respond. What are you supposed to say to that. I was fighting to stay awake as I saw his expression change from slightly composed to completely heartbroken and hopeless again. It hurt me. Seeing him like this actually hurt me. What was going on? "I'm sorry," I managed, the words barely forming on my lips. He looked up from staring at my hand with wide eyes. His hopeless eyes filled with hope. That put me at ease just as my eyes slid shut and I was trapped in a world of darkness yet again.

I heard a steady rhythmic beeping fill my ears. I wasn't moving, I knew I was in a hospital bed. Where else could I be? I didn't want to open my eyes just yet, needing a little bit longer in my own bliss. But I heard a door open and foot steps proceed into my room. "She's still out," I heard a guy say. "Oh god," I heard a girls voice, "She looks so broken," the girl whispered. I slowly and fearfully opened my eyes. I spotted three people standing by the door. They didn't realize I was awake, still engrossed in their sorrow. I saw the boy from the ambulance. I recognized his short brown hair and warm chocolate eyes. However I could see tired bags underneath his eyes. The girl seemed to be crying silently and from her appearance, I had a feeling she wasn't one to cry often. Next I saw another guy with blonde hair and blue eyes like mine. He had his arms wrapped tightly around the girl. The guy from the ambulance stood there awkwardly, then looked over at me longingly. He noticed I was awake within seconds, "Brooklyn," he breathed, swiftly making his way over to my bed side. Well he obviously knew me. "Oh thank god," he whispered, taking my hand. The other two took notice and rushed to my side. "Are you okay?" The girl asked. I still couldn't quite find my words so I simply nodded my head. The blonde looked over at the guy from the ambulance, "I'll give you two a moment while we go get a doctor," he said. The guy nodded his head and the blonde took the girls hand and they left the room. The guy looked back at me, "I'm so happy you're awake," he said, looking into my eyes. He looked so different when he wasn't bawling his eyes out. "You had us all scared to death," he said, with a slight nervous chuckle, "They almost made me call your parents down." "I'm sorry," I managed. "Brooklyn, don't apologize," the guy said, "You did nothing wrong. It was an accident." "No," I croaked out, "I'm sorry, but I don't know you." "Very funny, Brooklyn," the guy said. "I'm not kidding," I said. He looked at me confused but as I held his gaze, his eyes became wide then filled with tears. "Brooklyn, of course you know me," he said, "It's me, Liam," his voice was strained. That feeling hit me again where I felt bad for causing him pain. "I'm your boyfriend!" He said, becoming hopeless again. "You love me! I love you! Brooklyn, please! You can't forget!" He got to his feet, squeezing my hand so tight as if he thought it would somehow make me recognize him. But I had no idea who he was, all I knew now is that his name is Liam. "I think you have the wrong girl," I said. Right then a doctor walked in. "So, how is Miss Darren this morning," the doctor said. Liam turned to him, "She doesn't remember me! Why doesn't she remember me?" Liam shouted. The doctor took a deep breath and looked over at the blonde and the girl who had followed him in. "Well, she did hit her head very hard. Chances are, she lost certain parts of her memory." "Certain parts?" Liam shouted, "I'm a huge part of her life! How could she forget me?!" "It could also be a loss of recent memory," the doctor said, "Are you new in her 19 years of life?" "Yes, but that shouldn't matter!" Liam shouted, not wanting to hear the truth, or believe it, "I'm her boyfriend! How could she forget me!" I flinched at the sound of his strained voice. The volume was still too loud for my sensitive ears. The doctor took notice, "Mr. Payne, I'm sorry but I'm going to have to ask you to come talk about this outside of Miss Darren's room. It seems she is still sensitive to loud noises." "I'm not leaving her side until I get some answers!" Liam still wouldn't lower his voice. "Liam," the blonde said. "What, Niall? What could you possibly want?" He looked down at me and Liam followed his gaze. I guess he saw me wincing against the pain. "What's wrong with me?" he said, quieting down immensely and taking my hand. "Come on, bud," the girl said, resting a hand on Liam's arm. He let her lead him away, "Why would she want to remember me, Ann? I'm so insensitive." "Don't say that," the girl now known as Ann said, "She forgot all of us, you're not alone in this." "But you don't love her the same way I do," Liam said as they made it outside my room. "Would you mind staying with her?" The doctor asked the blonde now known as Niall. He nodded his head and I was left with my male look alike.

"So you really don't remember us?" He asked after a moment of silence. I hesitated then gently shook my head. He seemed to catch his breath and I felt guilty again, "I'm sorry," I said. He shook his head, "As Liam said, nothing was your fault." "It wasn't?" I said, wondering where all this guilt was coming from. "No," he paused, "Brooklyn, do you even remember what happened?" I shook my head once, "I don't remember, but since I woke up in the middle of the road with a burning pain in my ribs, I'm guessing I got hit by an oncoming vehicle." Niall smiled for a moment but then it vanished, "You're still the same girl, always able to figure things out." "Correct me if I'm wrong," I said, going out on a whim, "But because that guy, Liam," I saw Niall cringe, he probably was uncomfortable with me referring to Liam as that guy, as if I didn't know him. Which I didn't. "Sorry," I said, "But because, Liam, was so shaken up at the accident and he seemed more hurt than any of you, I'm guessing I meant something to him." Niall took a deep breath and ran a hand through his hair, "You mean everything to him." I bit my lip, how do you respond to that? A moment of silence passed as I let that set in. I meant so much to someone I couldn't remember. "What do you remember, Brooklyn?" Niall asked. I heard my door open but I kept my eyes on Niall as I said, "All I remember is that I was just starting summer vacation after grade 10." "That was the summer we met," I heard Liam say. I looked over at him. "But I don't remember you," I said carefully. "I know," he said, "We met on the flight down to our beach houses." "We did?" I asked. He nodded his head. I remember I had always wished and hoped something special would happen down at the beach house. It killed me inside to know that something finally did happen, and I couldn't remember one thing about it."This is a lot to take in," I said slowly. I took a deep breath, "How long ago was that?" I asked nervously. "Two years," Liam said. I caught my breath, I've lost two years of my life. I brought a shaking hand up and covered my mouth as tears formed in my eyes. Liam rushed to my side but as I looked up at him with tears sliding down my cheeks, he backed away. I may mean so much to him, but I guess he saw I wasn't the same anymore. He looked at me longingly as he backed away. I couldn't help it, I began crying and covered my face, hiding my head on my knees. Someone came over and rested a hand on my back, I looked up and saw my doctor, "We've called your parents, they will be on a flight over as soon as possible," he said. I nodded my head, finally. Some people I knew.

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