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Goa, Anjuna Beach..

Finally a vacation trip in his life for him to dedicate his whole time to the pieces of his heart, his lovable family. He thought with a soft smile playing on his lips while admiring the angel sleeping beside him covered cozily with the comfy blanket on the mattress directly placed on the floor because they kids insisted to sleep like this as a part of their trip adventures. He let his fingers graze her hair fringes lightly before tucking it behind her ear as to not disturb her sleep. 

But it looked like his two-year-old chocolate boy was in the mood to disturb his mother's sleep

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But it looked like his two-year-old chocolate boy was in the mood to disturb his mother's sleep. He wanted her undivided attention as usual. A trait he inherited from his entire family to be honest they are all possessive, obsessed and addicted to Khushi. 

"Mumma.." he watched his baby boy holding Khushi's mangalsutra in his tiny hand with a tight grip and before he could pull it harshly to make Khushi wake up from her sleep, he frowned at his son and warned in a scolding tone, "Adi no! Don't disturb Mumma.. let her sleep."

Little Aditya Singh Raizada opened his little fist releasing his mother's mangalsutra with a heavy heart as he pouted making a sad puppy face at his father who only scolded him for trying to wake up his Amma. What to do.. he is an early riser like his father and needs his Mumma's motherly warmth early in the morning.

His big hazel eyes kept staring at his mother sleeping between him and his father as if she was going to wake up at any moment and pull him into her arms and shower his face with sweet sloppy noisy kisses. But looks like she wasn't going to wake up anytime soon today, so he turned to other side facing his back to his father to check on the second girl he loves the most in this world, his elder sister, his best friend, his Princess, his 'Cooki Cleam' (Cookies n cream ice cream), Aashi Singh Raizada. 

To his bad luck, she was also sleeping peacefully like his Mumma, hugging her favorite chipmunk teddy bear. He tried to snatch her teddy bear to gain her attention but hearing his father's warning tone, "Adi!" he stopped his actions immediately and sat straight on the bed with a cute grumpy look.

"Attention seeker!" Arnav muttered to himself, shaking his head in disbelief at his son who looked back at him with a cute little frown adorning his forehead as if he heard what his father called him. 

"Come here.." Arnav called him to his side of the bed. Adi looked at him and mimicked him with his babyish tone, "Com.. hele Da-da (Dad)!" 

Arnav looked at him incredulously making Adi grin sheepishly as he actually stood up on his own to jump to his father's side but before he could join his father, Khushi turned to Arnav's side and wrapped her arm around his waist, nestling her head on his chest as she snuggled to her husband in her sleep. Arnav wrapped his one arm around her protectively while calling his fuming and jealous son with his other hand. If he even dared to tease Adi saying Khushi choose her husband over her son now, Anjuna beach would have witnessed his son transforming into a tsunami disaster early in the morning. So he needed to pacify his little ASR so they could spend the day ahead peacefully like they planned for this vacation trip.

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