Chapter 11 - Talks between hearts! Fights between minds!

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At night..

"Papa I don't want to sleep.. I want to play that blindfold game with you.." Aashi sat on her bed pleading him.

"Aashi it's very late and you should sleep.." Arnav said trying to convince her.

"Evelyday izz late!!" she muttered pouting.

"Ask Friend to play with you then.." he said as he heard her complaint.

Aashi smiled nodding, she climbed down the bed with Arnav holding her hands and both went to Arnav's room to call Khushi.


Arshi's room:

Khushi was on poolside staring at sky crying over her fate. Today Arnav made her talk about her past, and she usually doesn't talk about this with anyone. Only Dadu and Preeti knew about her past and he too knows. Her mind travelled to the days where she would cry and call her parents, but Dadu used to lie to her saying they will come back soon. She was very small so Dadu couldn't say to her directly that her parents just abandoned her.

Arnav reached the room with Aashi, he heard Khushi's crying sounds.

"Aashi go and bring that toy Papa bought for you.." Arnav said still staring at Khushi who was facing her back to them.

Aashi went running to take the toy and came back handling to her Papa.

Arnav walked with chipmunk toy in his hands till the poolside.

He handed it to her, "Take it.."

Khushi got startled hearing his voice, she turned to the other side and wiped her tears fastly then faced him.

"Why? This belongs to Aashi.." Khushi said.

"No problem! We can shale (share)!" Aashi smiled.

Khushi smiled at her, then looked at Arnav with questioning eyes.

"Usually when Aashi is upset or cries she hugs her teddy bear! So I thought you need one, since you're of her age.. Might share the same thoughts.." he said.

Khushi giggled and took it from his hand, hugging the toy softly: Yeah yeah! I also like to hug my teddy bear when I'm upset.. But I left him at home..

"So I was right! You're a KID!" he mocked her.

"Whether I'm an unwanted bride or a three years old girl, I'm your WIFE Mr. Raizada.." Khushi said and winked at him.

Seeing her back in her crazy mood, he felt like he achieved what he wanted too.

"Let's play blindfold game with Aashi.." Arnav said.

"You want to play or want to "Kill my Dill.." (Kill my heart).." Khushi blushes hiding her face with her palms.

"What the.." Arnav muttered glaring at her.

"Unromantic Husband! If you catch me while playing then my heart will go dhak dhak.. And if my heart goes more dhak dhak than normal.. I will be with DM then.. Understood now? Kill my dill.." Khushi explained with her cute antics.

Arnav placed his finger on her lips, "Chup! Don't talk about death like this.."

Khushi widened her eyes, as his finger touched her lips magically she could feel her heart beats increasing. She was shivering and nervous, but at the same time she liked his touch! It feels like the world stopped and she could only see him, feel his touch and everything else didn't matter..

Arnav situation was no different, as his finger touched her so soft and pink lips, his heart was strangely making the dhak dhak sound she talked about now. He felt like going near her and taste her lips but controlled himself as he knows he doesn't have any right on her. For the first time, he was staring at her face properly, she looks like an innocent angel and her innocent eyes staring at him are making his heart melt. Gosh.. She's beautiful and unique piece! He gotta admit that..

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