Chapter 6 - Her Chocolate Boy!

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"Chote go and change your clothes, I will serve for you.."

"Let it be Anjali ji, I will serve for him.." Khushi readily stood up heading to the kitchen side.

Arnav stood up also taking Aashi in his arms. He went to his room and let Aashi on his bed, and started unbuttoning his shirt, and taking his clothes from the closet.

"Papa.." Aashi looked at him.

"Yeah baby.. Tell me.." he walked till her and lifted her again leaving his clothes laid on the bed.

"Papa Aashi play a lot with Friend today.." Aashi smiled.

"Hmm.. Which friend? Arnav asked.

"Papa.. Aashi's friend.. Khushi!!!" Aashi pouted and her fingers who were playing with her father's shirt button in the name of unbuttoning them like her father was doing stopped to look at him.

Khushi came inside the room and saw Arnav almost shirtless, she hipcupped and faced her back to him.

"Chocolate boy came out of his wrapper.." Khushi thought biting her lips embarrassed.

"You.. I want to talk with you.." Arnav said glaring at her.

"First wear your chocolate wrapper.." Khushi said.

"What?" Arnav frowned.

"I mean your shirt.. Wear it. Otherwise I will not be able to control myself Chocolate boy!! I will eat your right now.." Khushi giggled silently. She's simple and respect everyone but only with him, she does these crazy things. Only with him, she feels like teasing him. Only with him, she goes out of control! Maybe because he's different from all people she met till now.

Arnav looked down and realized his chest was visible to her. He left Aashi on the bed again and buttoned his shirt.

"I'm going to change now, take Aashi to her room and make her sleep. After that I want to talk with you.." Arnav said going to the bathroom.

Khushi lifted Aashi and went towards her room, "You papa thinks too high of himself. He's going to test me all the time and he thinks I will fail and he will get a chance to taunt me for not being a good mother to you. But Aashi will make friend win na?"

Aashi just giggled at Khushi's funny angry expression.

They entered in the room and Khushi made Aashi lay on the bed and pulled the blanket to cover her.

Aashi looked at her sadly that Khushi was going to leave her and she wasn't sleepy now.

"Now Friend will make Aashi listen to Princess story. Do you like it?" Khushi cuddled. Aashi squealed in happiness, she yelled a "Yippee", and Khushi patted Aashi's head softly telling her a princess story. Aashi fell asleep instantly resting her head on Khushi's chest. Khushi kissed her forehead softly and gently placed her head on the pillow and left the room silently.


Arshi's room:

"My Chocolate you called me and here I am.." Khushi blushed.

"I'm not chocolate neither I'm yours! You came here to be Aashi's mother right? Now why does she keep calling you her Friend? Get one thing clear, you didn't came here to play with her like her friends.." Arnav said with his famous anger.

"Look it's a slow process okay, I can't in one day say to that baby girl that I'm her mother from now on. She can accept it easily since that's what she has been asking you for, but she will not feel it that I'm her mother. That's why I decided to start with friendship only, I will do everything a mother does to Aashi and she will call me her friend, but there will come a day where she will realize that I'm different from her friends, that the relationship we share is of a mother and daughter and then she will call me with her own will as Mumma. It's like when a baby comes in this world, he doesn't call his mother or father on first day only, but as he start feeling the relationship between him and his parents, he utters his first words, Ma and Papa!! It's not by force Mr. Raizada.. It comes out naturally only.. And it's like also you, who keep calling me unwanted wife, one day when you truly accept me, you will call me wife's like.." Khushi said only to be cut by him.

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