Chapter 30 - Engagement day!

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One week later..

The engagement day..

At the hall they were many guests rushing here and there, chatting with each other, the young gang of 'girls' and 'boys' teasing each other and trying their luck to get a partner also! Their parents taking the opportunity to show their friends how their kids are beautiful and talented. And the little kids playing around and enjoying the atmosphere of being in such a beautiful place and getting the chance to play with those friends they don't meet often.

Only his family were in tension for God knows what, decorations were perfect, the guest were well accommodated, the hotel staff were doing their job, and there was enough food for everyone. But his worried family was thinking about problems that don't even exist. Arnav rolled his eyes, when his Di came complaining the waiters were taking time to serve the guests, who were making faces now.

"Di.. just relax, look there is waiter there.. other one is there.." he pointed showing to her. Anjali pouted, "Are you making fun of me? I want everything to be perfect for Akash.."

"I know Di.. but don't stress yourself for little things like this na.." he said caressing her cheek, to which she smiled and left from there to stay with Akash and Payal.

Arnav continued scanning the hall, his eyes twinkled and his lips curved into a big wala smile staring at the most beautiful sight of this hall. His wife and daughter..

Unlike everyone, these two were in their own world. Khushi took a glass of juice and hand it to Aashi,

Aashi took it from her hand. She knelt down and arranged the flower hair clip falling from Aashi's hair.

"You're looking so beautiful my doll.." Khushi said turning Aashi to face her, she kissed Aashi's cheek smiling then applied the eye kohl from her eyes and put behind Aashi's ear.

Aashi smiled, "Thank you mummaa..". Arnav walked to them, he lifted Aashi from behind making the little one scream, and then she laughed seeing the touch was known to her, it's her Papa.

"Papaaaaa.." she squealed. Arnav kissed her cheek, where Khushi had kissed now, "You and your mumma are this party most beautiful girls.."

Khushi's cheeks turned red with his compliment, she looked away smiling shyly. "Yaaay.." Aashi squealed happily.

Arnav left Aashi on the floor again, and she went running to Akash and Payal who were sat on beautiful decorated chairs, gaining her attention.

"After the engagement party is over, come to car.. I will be waiting for you.." he said.

"Why?" she asked suspiciously.

"Don't you trust me? I'm your husband and I won't kidnap you!" he said.

Khushi giggled, she nodded her head, "Okay, I will come with Aashi when party ends.."

"Not with Aashi, I will talk with Di to take care of Aashi.. we are leaving to somewhere else.." he said rolling his eyes at Khushi's innocence.

"Where? I will not go anywhere without my baby.." Khushi frowned.

"It's just for one day!" Arnav said, before she could even say anything he wrapped his arms around her waist making her gasp, "One special day!"

Khushi blushed, so he's going to confess his feelings to her!!!

"ASR..." a girl shouted running to their side.

Khushi frowned hearing her voice, she clenched her jaws muttering something to herself, Arnav could only smirk seeing his wife jealous of Payal's cousin sister, Lavanya.

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