Chapter 16 - Missing someone!

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Khushi opened her left eye and peeked through the poolside, she sighed seeing no sign of a naked Arnav. Smilingly she opened her both eyes and looked around the room, "Thank You DM that Laad governor isn't in front of me naked.. Otherwise my heart would go dhak dhak everytime.."

Arnav walked out of the bathroom making Khushi jerk. She almost fell from the bed for the second time.

Arnav rolled his eyes and raised his hands, "Look I'm not naked today!"

Khushi looked at him with his suit looking dashing and handsome like always!

Her heartbeat increased, she gulped staring at him.

"Did you search the meaning of naked in dictionary by the way?" Arnav asked going towards the dresser. He gelled his hair staring at her through the mirror.

"Either with clothes or without clothes, my heart is going dhak dhak everytime yaar.." Khushi bit her nails muttering to herself.

"Khushi.." Arnav called her to gain her attention.

"Haan?" Khushi looked at him startled.

"Meaning of naked? Did you search?" he asked smirking.

Khushi glared at him, she stood up and went to the bathroom cursing Arnav.


At the breakfast table..

"Khushi bhabhi don't you think we should skip this ignoring game and jump to wedding one? I'm already tired of ignoring my poor sweetie Payal.." Akash pouted.

Khushi sipped her tea smiling, she glanced at him: You really love her, isn't it?

Akash nodded smiling shyly.

"But step by step Akash we'll reach into wedding game fast.. You're doing great!" Khushi winked.

"Wow what an advice Khushi! No one in this world knows that we need to plan step by step and not doing it hastily! What a mind.. You should have been a cientist hain na?" Arnav asked sarcastically.

Khushi touched his nose with her index finger, "And Mr. Raizada seems like everyone knows not to poke their nose on other conversations except You, hain na?"

Akash laughed silently, while Nk who took the seat opposite him was confused what's going on and same state was of Anjali.

"Shut up!" Arnav glared at her and looked back at his plate.

"Don't try to mess up with me!" spoke Khushi proudly, "You're responsible for my heart to go dhak dhak everytime, now I will make your heart go shake will see it!"

"What the.." Arnav frowned not understanding what she blabbered now.

"Chote I was thinking that we should go shopping today.. Is the driver free today?" Anjali asked.

"Shopping Di seriously!" Arnav said in disbelief.

"Why do you get angry for every single thing? Just chill yaar and do check your BP!" Khushi patted his shoulder.

"I'm not your yaar!" Arnav said shoving her hands from his shoulder.

The family giggled.

"Toh? (Then?)" Khushi shrugged.

"Toh I'm your husband not your yaar.." Arnav replied.

Khushi's cheek turned pink color, she didn't expect him to acknowledge himself as her husband.

Arnav realized what he blurted, and his family teasing glances at them.

"Haan Chote you're her husband only and she isn't leaving you anywhere.." Nani said.

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