Chapter 45 - Arshi meets!

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As the boys were about to leave to the police station, the sound of phone ringing took their attention.

It was Khushi's phone.

Khushi looked at him hoping to be Arnav, but her face fell seeing it's an unknown number.

"Unknown number.. must be connected with Arnav.." she thought and quickly picked it up.

"Hello.." she said waiting for the other person, to reply.

"Hi dear.." Shashi smirked, "How are you?" he asked.

Khushi felt she heard this voice somewhere, she brushed off the thoughts, asking him: Who are you?

"Hmm direct to the point.. not bad, I like it.. actually this is Shashi Kapoor.. I'm sure you've heard my name, didn't you?" he asked.

Khushi widened her eyes in shock, "Tum? Arnav kahan hai.. (Where is Arnav?) I'm sure you kidnapped him with your daughter.. didn't you? Bolo, Arnav is with you na?.. Let my husband go, did you listen? Consequences won't be good if you don't leave him.."

"Ohho.. you talk a lot.. yes, I kidnapped your husband.." Shashi said, "And I won't leave him until I get what I want.."

"What do you want?" Khushi cried.

"MY PROPERTY AND HIS PROPERTY!" Shashi laughed out loudly.

"You will never get that.. you're such a disgusting person, have some shame.. no wonder, your children went on you.. they're also cruel and disgusting person.." Khushi frowned.

Shashi gritted his teeth thinking, "That pandit was right, Khushi could never be my daughter!"

"I don't have time to listen to your nonsense, and if I don't get what I want then don't think your dear husband will escape from here, I will kill him!" Shashi said angrily, "I WILL KILL ARNAV.."

"Nahin.." Khushi shouted crying, "Please don't do anything to him, please!"

While the family kept staring at her worriedly.

Shashi smirked, "That's how I like it, keep your voice down with me girl.. so I will message you the address, and you have to come here without any of your family members or police.. I'm warning you Khushi, if you call the police or anyone, I will shoot Arnav right in front of your eyes and you know now I don't have nothing to don't try to act smart with me, because I'm an old player and I know every trick you will think of using, so let me just say one wrong move from your side and Arnav loses his life! If you really Love him, then don't play with his Life!"

Khushi gulped hearing it, Akash snatched the phone from her and shouted to Shashi but he had cut the call, leaving Akash frustated.

"What did you he say bhabhi?" asked Akash.

"Woh.. he told me to go to some place, he will text me the address and I should not go with any of you or inform the police about it.. otherwise.. he will..he..will kill Arnav.." Khushi stammered numb, while tears slip from her eyes.

Everyone gasped.

"We should inform police, we can't take any risk now..what if he harms you both?" said NK.

"Nahin, we will not inform the police.. Arnav's life is in danger, I don't trust his Shashi at all,he is capable of anything.. he may harm my Arnav.. I don't want anything to happen to him.." Khushi cried badly.

"But we can't let you go that place alone bhabhi, try to understand.. ASR made me promise that I will protect you and Aashi no matter what happens, I can't break my promise by letting you go to Shashi.." said Aman.

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