Chapter 44 - Missing him!

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Garima walked in with a worried face, but as she saw Arnav she gulped in fear.

"Shashi why did you had to kidnap him?" she glared at Shashi, "If we get caught, then will die in jail for kidnapping him!"

"Shut up Garima!" Shashi frowned angrily. Karan and Meera also glared at her.

"You! I had sent you to jail.. How did you come out?" asked Arnav frowning.

"Old contacts Arnav! Before you were ASR, I was Shashi Kapoor and I had my contacts, I had helped them once and it was their payback time!" said Shashi smirking.

Arnav glared at him, "I should have keep a watch on you and your family long back.."

"But you didn't.. Your bad luck!" Karan grinned.

"Lets go home.." said Shashi, and Karan and Garima left with Shashi. While Meera stayed back.

She bend down, and pecked Arnav's cheek, "Bye love!"

Arnav looked away angrily.

"Aww.. I took Khushi's right hain na?" she widened her eyes acting like shocked.

"No, you didn't.. And you never will take her place and her rights in my life.." he said, and rubbed his cheek on his shoulder, wiping her kiss, "See I just wiped your kiss, with Khushi I would never do that.. With her if possible I would never wash my cheeks again, just to keep her lips touch on me!"

Meera clenched her jaws angrily, "You will be mine Arnav.."

She left from there with heavy steps, cursing Khushi.


The driver reached in RM, he and HP were taking the gifts to home.

Khushi rushed to them, "HP Arnav didn't come?"

She asked looking around desperate to see her husband.

"Nahin Didi, I thought Arnav bhaiya already came here. When we walked out of the hall, he wasn't there anymore.." said HP.

"Kya? He didn't returned till yet.." said Khushi getting more restless.

Khushi called him again, but it remained unavailable. Her eyes welled up, thinking where he is, what he must be doing, is he safe or not?

NK descended the stairs and saw her standing still lost in thoughts.

"Khushi bhabhi Kya hua?" he asked nearing her.

"Woh .. Arnav didn't come back home, he was in the hall with HP and others, look na.. HP came back, but Arnav didn't.. He isn't answering my calls also.. NK I'm getting worried now.." Khushi said.

"Calm down bhabhi.. He must be in AR.." said NK.

"Can we go and check there please?" Khushi pleaded. NK nodded, he rushed to get his car keys, then returned to Khushi. Both left to AR.


Arnav looked around the old building, he tried to free himself but sighed hard giving up.

"Is anybody here?" he shouted.

"Tu bhi na Arnav.. No one will hear you in the last floor.. My voice will not reach to anyone by here.." he mentally scolded himself.

"What was Shashi talking about? What's his plan to make me sign the property papers? Why did he kidnap me and not Khushi or Aashi?.. I will not sign it anyway, but I can't underestimate him also.. He's and old and smart player!" Arnav said to himself.

"I just hope Aman protects Khushi and Aashi.." he sighed, leaning his head on the chair.

"Khushi.. She must be worried about me, I don't even have a way to inform you where I am my Chipku.. I'm sorry, it's second time I'm making you get worried like this when I promised myself after that day I came back late from office that I would never do that again!" he shut his eyes tightly.


Next day..


The family was hell worried about Arnav, who didn't return till yet.

"I think we should inform police about this.. Bhai isn't even answering our calls, and he doesn't stay outside for so long. I called the guards of farm house and he wasn't there also.." said Akash.

"I also think something happened, if it was for work reason ASR would have informed me long back.." said Aman.

Khushi's heart skipped a beat, hearing all this.

"And.." Aman said and stopped to look at everyone's face.

"And what Aman? Speak up.." Anjali said worriedly.

"And yesterday Meera and Karan were in the wedding hall, ASR thought they wanted to harm Aashi or Khushi.. It could be possible that.." Aman gulped.

"They.. kidnapped him?" Khushi asked, hoping it not to be true.

"Hey DM.. What's happening here? Meera and Karan kidnapped my Chote.." Nani cried.

"Let's not waste time.. Just call the police.." Mama said.

Khushi covered her face with her hands sobbing.

Payal sat beside her and rubbed her back, "Calm down Khushi.. It's just a possibility, we are not sure about it.. I'm sure ASR will come back soon!"

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