Chapter 37 - Arnav angry on his baby wife!

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"Hi.." the man came closer to Khushi.

Khushi looked at him startled, she looking around and realized she was alone with this strange man.

"There's no need to be scared. I'm from Payal's side, her friend.." he smiled, "Actually, I was feeling thirsty, so can you please guide me to the kitchen side.."

Khushi smiled relieved, that he was a guest. She nodded, "Of course, come and I will show you, show what.. I will serve water for you, you're our guest and guest is treated like God.."

She smiled, walking to the kitchen with him.

"Your husband loves you a lot.. right?" he asked smiling, as they entered in the kitchen. Khushi nodded shyly, "How do you know?"

"Oh come on, is that something to ask for? I saw the way he stares at you like you're his world.." the man answered.

"Hmm.. he loves and cares for me a lot, I also love him immensely.." Khushi said smiling dreamily, then hit her forehead, "See talking about him, I forgot to serve you water.."

He chuckled, and she took a glass and poured water on it. The man was staring at her waist, with lust on his eyes.

Khushi turned to him and he quickly composed himself, "Here's your water ji.."

He took it from her hand, and gulped in one go. Khushi was about to go, but he held her hand stopping her. Khushi looked at him confused; she quickly withdrew her hand from his.

"Sorry.. actually I wanted some laddo!" he said smiling sheepishly.

Khushi giggled, and put some on the plate for him. He took the opportunity to hold her arms with his hands, Khushi frowned she pushed him away angrily, "What kind of behavior is this?"

"Oh how beautiful you're.. you look even more beautiful angry.." he sighed smirking, "What do you think? I'm thirsty of water, no babes.. I wanted you! You!" he laughed.

Khushi frowned, "Oh so this was your plan.. shameless man! You will never have me.. you get that?"

The man walked to her, he pulled her forcefully, while Khushi kept pushing him, " I won't spare you.. just leave me you moron.."

He left her, and Khushi glared at him, "How dare you touch me?" she slapped him hard on his cheek.

He got angry with her, he raised his hand to slap her back but a hand grabbed his arm roughly.

Khushi smiled with tears in her eyes, as she whispered his name, "Arnav.."

Arnav's dark brown eyes didn't leave the man who touched his wife, he punched the man on his face making him hiss in pain, while Khushi flinched.

"Who are you?" Arnav asked gritting his teeth, "Who are you? You dared to touch my wife, do you know me? You dared to misbehave with Arnav Singh Raizada's wife?"

The man didn't answer anything, he just wiped the blood oozing out of his lips, Arnav slapped him hard.

"You're so dead!" Arnav said, as he started beating the man mercilessly, Khushi screamed crying, she clutched her lehenga, it's first time she's witnessing a fight like this. She was so scared to see that man bleeding and Arnav didn't seem to stop.

The family came running to the kitchen hearing Khushi's scream.

"What happened?" Anjali asked horrified seeing her Chote beating a man who was lying almost unconscious on the floor, Khushi was crying on the corner.

"Bhai stop it.." Akash rushed to him, he held Arnav with the help of NK.

"Leave me.. I will kill this man.." Arnav shouted struggling with their hold, "Leave me dammit.. he touched my Khushi.. I won't spare this man.. I will kill you.."

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