Chapter 32 - The love confession!

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Khushi clutched his hand, while tears slipped from her eyes continuously, "Does such cruel person exist in this world??"

Arnav nodded looking down, "Never I thought, my Di would live with such persons.."

"You could have told your sister Arnav, and end this Shashi's game once and for all.. I'm sure she
deserved better than that man who assumed to be in love with her, and at the end didn't even
sacrifice a bit for his love.." said Khushi.

"Khushi I wasn't ASR that time, I was just a boy who loved his family so much and especially my both sisters, they were like my mothers.. and I just wanted their happiness no matter what, I knew it Sharanya Di loved Karan a lot, she respected and gave her life in his hand. If I told her what her
husband and father in law did to me, she would be completely broken and I feared that she would commit suicide like my mother did. Sharanya Di was selfless and innocent woman, never she would tell us that she's upset or in pain, always smiling to us, she's different from Anjali Di. Anjali Di is stronger and extrovert, and always voice out her feelings or thoughts. For Sharanya Di, her life meant
her husband and her unborn child, she was so happy with them that I feared at that time to snatch
that happiness from her.. yes, I should have told her everything but at that time I was helpless.. I
didn't had power.. I was only Arnav who was in his own world and was clueless about this cunning people.." he said.

"I understand.. it's your sister's happiness and her baby life that was at stake.." Khushi said caressing his hand.

"Then, one later week I got engaged with Meera. It was worst situation in my life, Shashi was
controlling me every time and I had to stay with Meera every time acting like I was in love with her, I couldn't even get angry on Meera because if she cried or stay upset and Shashi found out about it, then he and his wife would do something wrong with Di.. our marriage preparations started, and Di gave birth to her baby daughter, Aashi.." Arnav said and paused to look at Khushi's expression.

Khushi widened her eyes and her mouth was in big "O" shape.

"I know.. it's shocking!.. Aashi isn't my daughter, but my niece.." Arnav said with a small smile at
Khushi's expression.

"I'm so confused now.. Aashi isn't your daughter.. how's that possible?.. I .. can't believe this.." Khushi said holding her head with her hands.

Arnav chuckled, "It's not that complicated story, listen to the full story first.."

Khushi nodded letting him continue, then she would ask him as many questions that were running on her mind now.

"So, where I was?.. Haan, Di gave birth to her daughter, and two days later was my marriage with
Meera.. I asked them to give time at least for Sharanya Di to recover from her weakness and stay with
Aashi who had just two days of life.. but no, he started threatening me and getting insecure that I would leave Meera.. on the day of our marriage, everything ended.." said Arnav with moist eyes, as he
remembered the tragic past.


Arnav came outside his mansion, looking handsome with white and gold sherwani, but with an expressionless face. After all, he wasn't groom by his choice, he was being tied forcefully to someone he doesn't have feelings for.

As he was about to enter in the car, his eyes landed on a crowd on the way, people with worried faces and shouting for help, it seemed like an accident.

"What happened?" he asked to the driver.

"I don't know sir, seem like a lady met with an accident.." the driver shrugged.

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