Chapter 51 - Shashi Kapoor's end!

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"Excuse is there any priest with the name Anand here?" Arnav asked to another priest in Mandir. "Anand.. haan, but he only comes afternoon time.." he replied. Arnav nodded, "Okay.. thank you!"
"We'll have to wait.." Khushi looked at him and Arnav nodded looking at his surroundings. He spotted Dadu talking with Shashi, which shocked him more.

"What is Dadu talking with Shashi? Do they know each other?" thought Arnav. Khushi was busy in her phone.

He patted her cheeks, Khushi looked at him frowning, "What is it?"

"I'm coming in a while, wait here ok?" he said.

"Where are you going?" she asked worriedly clutching his shirt with her tiny hands. "I'll come back .. I won't take time promise baba.." he kissed her forehead warmly.

She nodded willingly, and he left.


One week later..

"Hello everyone.. this is Ayesha from news channel XYZ.. and today's breaking news is the announcement of the new owner of AR fashion industries.. Means Shashi Kapoor.. today in this conference hall we'll get all the answers of the questions running in our minds, why did ASR hand over his business to Shashi Kapoor?"

Shashi Kapoor entered in the conference hall with his family, grabbing all the attention from media people, they ran to him and start questioning him already and clicking many pictures.

His bodyguards had to intervene and lead them to the stage. Shashi smirked seeing everyone's attention on him.

"You lost ASR.." he chanted this on his mind.

"Papa there's still one hour left for the conference to start.. you can rest in your room if you want.. I already booked it for you.." Meera said.

Shashi nodded and went from there.


"Good luck bhabhi.." Nk, Akash and Aman whispered to Khushi and hugged her tightly. Khushi too hugged them tightly, she really needs their support today.

She looked at him, "Won't you say anything to me?"

Arnav held her both hands firmly, he rested his forehead on hers. Khushi closed her eyes so did he, "Don't be afraid of him.. and don't fall weak!" he whispered.

Khushi nodded her head, "After all I've to prove you wrong!"

Arnav chuckled, he cupped her face: That time I didn't trust on your love, but today I have full faith on you Khushi, I know you'll do this.. Only you can defeat a man like Shashi!

Khushi nodded, she left from there.


Shashi's room:

"Hi Shashi!" Khushi stood on the door of his room, waving at him.

Shashi turned to her, first he stood confused then smiled, "Hi Khushi! What are you doing here? Came to beg me to give your husband's property back?"

"No!" Khushi nodded sideways, getting in the room, "Just came to congratulate you for being smart! Congratulations Shashi.. you finally managed to destroy my family, you managed to separate me from my husband.."

"I wish I had died that day and Arnav hadn't signed on those papers.. I wouldn't have to see this day.." Khushi acted like she's crying.

"Ohho my poor baby.." Shashi patted her back, Khushi shoved his hands angrily.

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