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It was awkward walking home with Annabeth. She just eyed me the whole time and I couldn't help myself to not eye back.

"What?" I say, "you what." She told me. I try to control a smirk, "That doesn't make any sense"

"You saying your dad made dinner for us made no sense. That boy Percy-"

"I get it, you think he is cute" I tease and roll my eyes.

"I was gonna say grover too" she frowns at me while rolling her eyes. "Eh, Mc-Jackson knew me for a couple of years throughout elementary school." I add. "He is an annoying fly buzzing by me most of the time but-"

"First. I Just met me and don't like him. Ew. Second, You said you were Gonna beat him and his friend up.-" she narrowed her eyes at me.

"Eh, we'll..yea" I told her and grinned. She rolls her eyes. Suddenly I didn't care if I was being followed or not. I laugh, "what?!" She yells at me, "you really have something to always suspect, don't you, wise girl?"

"Why do you keep calling me that-" she asked.

"I don't know. You just seem like one genuinely." I shrug without realizing I just complimented someone. "....Thanks.." she no longer seemed suspicious or something. We kept walking and I made sure to look back each time. I get closer to Annabeth. I'm sure she saw it but she didn't think of it much. I stepped on a leaf and Panic, "Annnabeth watch out!" and I shove her into a Bush. "OUCH. What the heck was that?!" She howls at me. "I'm sorry! I just thought —"

"You say something very nice one time and the next you're pushing me, seriously? What is up with you?!" She screams. Though she seemed more sad and disappointed. I stay silent. Feeling something I couldn't understand


"Forget it- Your insufferable." She growls but not viciously. We walked but not alongside each other, the more we got to the house, the further she wanted to walk away from me. Turns out when we get there, The adults were actually having dinner. When they saw Us, Annabeth's step mom stood up. "Now what took you so long?" She crossed her arms, "Theodisa.." Mr. Chase muttered. "You talking to her or me?" Annabeth points at and raises her eyebrow. Mrs Chase coughs then sits back down. I can tell she didn't want to have a fight with her stepdaughter the day her husband was getting a promotion (Har har). Though looking at her closely I realized that this was a stepmother. She looked nothing like Annabeth. She was a young looking Asian lady had red highlighted hair. Even dressed nicely. Less dark in color clothing to Annabeth ( Funnily enough).

As she eyeballed me quit vigilant, I can tell she didn't like me at all. She comes up to Annabeth and me. I make sure to get out of the way. "Honey..." She calmly touches Annabeth's face. Which confused me because if I were being honest, I thought she be smacked through the floor, "What happened?" She genuinely asked, "Usually going for a walk to the park would help make you feel better.."

"What's happening?" I ask, not realizing I was concerned for someone. Mrs. Chase eyebrows me, "Well young Bobofit, my daughter doesn't really get used to different environments or other people much..I'm sure you understand that at your age, yes?" She tells me. I stand silently, which got pretty uneasy. "Oh..yea..yea.. different ahem, different and new certainly is something I definitely relate to." I mumble. At this moment I saw Grover eating my berry bushes in the back (Good thing they weren't poisonous and my Dad waters/cleans them everyday). I panic and start hand gesturing "nononono!" Grover sees me and Starts Hand gesturing probably something like, "oh yes yes yes yes. When these people leave you better tell him women." I hand gestures back, "I will come out there and beat you to the ground if you make me seem stupid." Grover shrugs saying "oh, you made a promise. So I don't care if you do."

Usually, I would scowl but this time I can feel my expression giving off a baffled yet content that Grover stopped. Even if all this time he was spying on me. "But yea. I'm fine mom. Can I borrow your makeup?" Annabeth rubbed her arms. Her mom still looked confused but takes out her Lip gloss, with a little makeup pack, and gives it to Annabeth.

"..You better not Damage it..Dear" I could almost here her sneer.

"Yes, Mother" Annabeth gives a small smile, takes everything and heads into my room. I follow. Annabeth frowns as she looks at me then the mirror. "What do you want?" she said as she put on the Lip gloss. "Look, I didn't mean to- you know-"

Annabeth sighs, "I know. You're sorry. It's fine really."

"Yea..Everything right now. I- truly do get what your stepmom said back there. Everything for me right now is different and crazy." I say.

"By everyone you encounter I can tell that." She coated her lips one more time. "So" I lean on the door, "you want of hope to go see stin- I mean, Percy Again?" I asked "You two actually May seem like you guys make a good duo.." I say, holding my instincts back to giggle. She turns quickly towards "Stop. Not like that! I just- Think it would be cool to make a few friends here..." she said as she goes back to putting on the lip gloss, even if she had enough. She realized that too and opened the makeup pack. She begins to put some eye shadow on. "Eh, he really isn't my standard. But if you want someone like him, go ahead." I say without realizing that I was speaking to someone who I tease liking Percy. The kid I bully or I guess used to bully... I really am taking this change too far. And by this point I knew passing out knocked my Nancy attitude brains out.

"But didn't you say you live in Virgina? Why make new friends if you're leaving?" I asked. She puts the makeup back into the pack, "The same logical reason why I came with my parents. I'm touring and staying at a hotel for a couple of months."

"Oh. I see." I nod. "What do you plan to see?" I say. "I'm planning to see the Empire State Building.." she told me, "Ahem. But the rest I'm not sure." I nod. Again, this is getting annoying,  on how understanding I'm becoming. "Will you come back to visit?" I say. Did I want to be her friend? A friend..other than the friends I knew I needed to save...

"Sure I guess." She slowly shrugs. "Cool..oh um. Cool!" I say. What have I done?.. I didn't want to show my thoughts. We both walk out of my bedroom and we hear Annabeth's Father excitedly shaking my fathers hands, "Oh my goodness! Oh my-! Thank you so much Mr Bobofit! This is truly amazing!" He hugs his wife (Yeah, what the heck were they talking about for all that time if Dad never brought up

the promotion in the first place? I saw Monopoly close by. So maybe they were doing that. Lol, adults are weird ). "I can't believes it!" He rejoices as she laughs. "Honey! I was promoted!" He happily calls Annabeth. She smiles, "That's awesome daddy." She genuinely saids. She no longer seemed Bully material..Or even intimidating at all anymore. "Daddy, Nancy and I want to hang out more, will we be able to do that?" She asked as she went up to him and hugged him. "Oh uh-" he looks over at His wife. Then Theodisa looks at me. "Hmm.. maybe." She eyebrows. "Well! That's it! Mr Bobofit- Is this a mess that we must clean?" He turns to my father. "No it's hardly at all!" He objects joyfully (Just why? Is it rude to ask to help clean their dirty dishes?) "Go take your wife and your kid! And get out of here! The next tour is in 4 hours! Go catch it, have a great time!"

"Again! Thank you so much. Goodbye!" He takes Annabeth's hand and His wife walks alongside him. "Bye Nanny Nancy!" Annabeth waves and chuckles. "See you around, wise girl. " I say, not noticing I possibly met someone cool. And they all leave out the front door (Phew, awkward yeah).

Nancy Bobofit And The HalfgodsWhere stories live. Discover now