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After spending the whole day being chased by hellhounds, furies, and whatnot. I decided to finally ask, "What are we doing?!" The others look at me, "is this how we are supposed to live for the rest of our lives?"

Thamyris nods, "From what I hear. Short answer is yes."

I flopped myself on the floor. "That's it! We're done! We're dead! We will never find Nancy!" I squeak as if I would tear up. Aoife bite her lip, "No. Come on! Let's not have that attitude. Here - Thammy! How much further until we reach Camp half blood?"

"Camp- oh Uh- camp half blood?" He was sweating. " that-" Aofie and I frowned. "Is..that where you wanted to go?" He hid his lower lip "Hold up! You're telling me that all this time! You knew where this freaking place is, yet you never thought for one second to take us there?"

"No no! It's just...I wasn't sure" he awkwardly grinned. I begin to cry and I scream into the ground. Then Spat out the grass "Wonderful, just what I needed!" I sarcastically say.

"Well it's not what I needed" Commented Aofie. I got up and pulled Thamyris by the weird little hood shirt.. "Ok here, Alive Dead man! You take us to Camp Half blood Now! We need to find Nancy!"

"Why do you need Camp Halfblood for that? Can't you just try to Contact her on the Empathy link?

"Ugh. Ok I guess." I focus and Try to call out to Nancy, "Nancy! Where are you?"

"Huh! Oh yes! I'm walking to camp half blood" she replied. "Wait! She is going without us!" I shout to the others.

"Do you know where it is?" I asked. "No but we are getting an Iris Map to take us. However, we are not sure if it's far. We don't have a ride. So we are debating whether we should call for a ride or not."

"Huh? Ride to camp half blood? Don't mortals not see through the mist? They'll think you're crazy. Who would be your ride?-"

I bump into a girl and an older boy college age waking, "Oops! Sorry!" She said, The older boy frowned. "Sersh, let's get going. It's getting dark..." and they walk away. I looked over at the others and The three of Us decide it was best for us to keep walking too. As we got further. I notice a gray light appearing from the same direction that girl went. "Huh?" I blinked. "What was that?" I asked. "What was what?" Replied Thamryis. "Yea I didn't see anything." Added Aofie. "I saw a gray light appear And then disappear."

" might just see through the most for a second. When it comes to people related to Deities or Divinites. They have an aura that shows that they're related. It's how Valkyries for Half north Divinties ahem, find The people they're meant to protect. And it's also how Satyrs find Greek and Roman demigods their supposed to protect and bring to camp. Gods use it too. But for them, it's more of a feeling. Like sense." He explained. "Ah. So wait, I can see who is a Halfblood and who is not?" I say. "Yep. Pretty much kid." Thamryis agreed. As we walked through the night park. There was a girl with a black beanie, colored hair in a braid, and black lipstick, and A boy not as fashioned as her. Listening to music on an IPod. Then I saw a Little Boy with them. As I looked closer, I noticed he was a Satyr. I could tell my others saw it too because everyone's eyes widened. The little Satyr seemed to notice us and He mouthed, "Move.."

"Ugh. So Woodrow, what do you want to do?" Asked the girl, she had an Italian accent. This made the three of Us hide behind a bush, to listen into their conversation. "Oh. Not much, Charia. Really. Perhaps go home since it's getting late?" Woodrow recommended. "If only we can stay up later, '' the boy muttered. "Damien. You know both our parents would never let that happen." Add Charia

"Yes, your parents...would definitely not like for you guys to be up late'' emphasized Woodrow as he pointed directly to both of them. As in "One's parent and the other one's parent". We kept listening. "Though what about you? Where the heck are your parents?" Asked the boy. "Oh..uh..Oh look. Benvenuti and White! Look at the Full moon!" Pointed Woodrow. "They're demigods aren't they?" I whisper. "Of course they are, what else would they be?" Whispered Thamyris. "How can you tell who they're Godly parent is?" I add.

Nancy Bobofit And The HalfgodsWhere stories live. Discover now