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I was asleep. Being chased by the hellhounds tired me out. My friend passed out and so was Thamryis. But as I slowly Woke up I saw Thamryis was hugging his bag. Which meant he was up before I went to sleep. He was laying down Like a Princess waiting to be kissed to be woken up. (Ew no! I'm a child. I wasn't gonna Or even tempted to kiss him Despite his looks. You have a dirty mind Sulis. That's illegal. Also, even if I was older, doesn't he like men? .....Sulis said he could be Attracted to multiple genders as well. OK. Fine Fair, but Ew! Shut up! Go to jail )

I look over at Thamyris. And I begin to shake him. "Wake up!" I yell. He panics and gets a furious look on his face. "What?!" He yells back. "Thamyris. Are you seriously Afraid of being damned?"

Thamryis expression changes. I don't apologize for asking. Thamyris looked like he was wondering if I should be told the truth. It's quite Obvious the Muses are the reason why he fears what He fears.

"Don't look at me like that" I say quite sternly.

"Tch! What?!" He cuts me off, "You're ridiculous! Me, the great Poet Thamryis doesn't fear anything! I'm not Afraid of Eternal Damnation! I'll say it many times to show you! I'll prove it" He grunts.

"Thamryis don't-

"Damnation, Damnation, Damnation, Punishment, eternal Darkness, eternal Fire! Lake of fire that burns way less than my impatience with you right now" he growls. I rolled my eyes, And patted him on the shoulder, "Sorry Poet man. I should've just said good morning to you." I sincerely say.


I continued. "I understand. You need to have time before you can fully face your fears. You need to talk when you're ready. You're like Sulis When she told me she was Afraid of swimming. She thought she couldn't swim because her height was always smaller or the exact same size as the pools."

Sulis who was Snoring instantly woke up, "I was what now? No I was not!"

I patted him a second time and Dusted myself off. Looking back, Thamryis was definitely thinking something. "...So..what are you Afraid of then?" He asked. I didn't reply but I definitely was Afraid of something..I stayed quiet. Sulis knew what we were talking about so she crawled over to Thamryis and whispered in his ear. "Oh...Yikes.." He Whispered back. Got up and came over to me, "look..gee kid..I'm very sorry..." I pushed his hand away. "Yeah..Thanks I guess. I'll be fine, really."

I found a Large Stick in the Ground. I found a sharp medal, and I cut it. Seeing how I learned How Thamyris did it. It shocked him and Sulis. I tossed the stick at Isolde.

"Now you can walk. Now we can leave." I say.

No one spoke to each other as we walked. Though he probably won't say It but I suspect Thamryis was starting to have no problem, or rather enjoyed traveling with us (oh yes you were Thammy. Don't try to protest. Yee, Thamyris here didn't mind looking after us two wild kids despite never having any of his own. I think??).

"So wait..." I begin to light my hands up like flash lights again. "If we are demigods...Why didn't our parents just say so?"

Thamryis shrugs, "Usually it's because The normal human parent doesn't know, and when they do find out, usually they go insane. Or if they can see through the Mist. They're fine."

"Nice" I say. "So what's the Mist?" Isolde asked. "It's controlled by Hecate/Trivia. Some Cultures call it by different names, like the Egyptians called it Heka. And whatnot." He explained. I nod. So does Old woman Sulis (come on Sul that's funny. How is it not funny? I joked and called you old because you have a stick- you know what, never mind).

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