On the Road

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No one spoke. Saoirse kept driving. Luke Was by her. Everyone was either still kinda Dirty or affected in some way after the whole Deal with being attacked. Mostly me. "....What were you Trying to steal?" Luke Asked Saoirse. She didn't answer. "..Fine you don't need to say anything.....Wait. Your going the -

"No, I'm not going the wrong way Luke. I'm taking them to camp and Then I'm taking you back. I'm not going with them" this makes Ledger and Reinhard more shocked than ever. And not in a good way. "Hold up? Again, you're bailing us out again? First Luke, and Now-

"Look! I'm only doing what I can!" She raised her voice. "You guys could've been killed. And I doubt they have much security in camp. So I'm gonna Bring my own things' ' she tells them. I looked over at Luke, and Saoirse. Seeing how they looked really different yet.. could tell they were related. They gave off..a Similar vibe. "I'm not giving up any chance. Fine. I know what I'm doing may seem cruel and I get it. I blocked you guys out entirely. But I'm doing what's right. You guys don't understand the actual world of Gods." She claimed. "How?.." All the men asked. I was the only one with no response. "Well, to prove my point. Unlike all of you. I actually had contact with Mom and My aunt."

"Themis and Theia.." Luke Adds. "Yea. Not to mention annoying half-siblings like Dike, Ernie, Eunomia, and Morai." She grunts.

"The Fates.." Grover gulps. Saorise sighs, "Yeah..Them" All of the sudden a chilled wind appears. Along the road out of nowhere, we saw three strange old women on rocking chairs. They gave off terrifying expressions. They held Yarn string, all three of them but they were transparent. Saoirse knew they were here. She faces towards them not affected by their presence unlike the rest of us, "Grrrrr, Mom wants you guys to leave me alone! So I think she would want you three to do the same for them! this is my territory!" She yelled at them. Then they all roll their eyes and then disappear. Which was either funny or creepy. Everyone swallowed. "..Ok wow. That just happened" Luke comments. Saoirse kind of chucks sarcastically but still had somewhat of a truthful tone "Don't be deceived. They're not all powerful as they try to let on" Grover got super confused. "Why would you say that?! Are you asking for a death sentence?"

"Bud, Grover. The only thing I'm asking for is peace. Peace for the Half Deity kids. How long have you been working for camp halfblood?"

"Oh uh. 20 years or so"

"I'm not used to this kid being an Adult.." my Dad whispered over to Luke. Luke Nod and so do the two boys as well. "So tell me Grover Underwood, if you've been around Half Gods all your life. Ever think that they actually need their parents to be there for them even before they are claimed?" She points out. "I-..We'll..Yes..but-"

"Ah" she Nods. "But it's an excuse. My mother has been there for me, we're we too close? Yes and no. It's because of My Mom leaving Olympus, it's then Zeus passed that stupid law"

"Law?" This time I spoke. "Yeah. Now it's not Only that The Gods don't care for their kids. They don't need to. My mom hates it. Begged for it to be changed.." Everyone was silent. Luke Got a Sad look. "...But nothing worked.." She adds. "....I'm so very sorry...I had no idea" Luke saids.

"Yeah, well that's just the Life of a Half God '' Saoirse sighed. "Now I see why you didn't tell me all these years..." Luke Goes on to say. They all went silent this time, Sasorise Got a weak smile, "Luke, you don't have to worry about these things. You're not like us.." This kinda made Luke frown but also kinda understood. "I can't imagine you being one of the Gods' children and needing to go through anything like this. But even if you were a Demigod, I'm sure you would've still been great" she tells him. This brings a surprised expression on Luke's Face. I couldn't help but to think, I guess human or not.. This is the real world and you're in with whatever it gives you.

Swallowing, I close my eyes to see if I can contact Aoife and Isolde once more. Though nothing happened. I tried a Second time, and nothing happened. I Tried a Third time, and nothing happened. Fourth time...Nothing happened.

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