part 3..

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The screaming of the vendors to pursue the people to buy their vegetables, made no effect to Nitika. She continued to walk straight, hiding the baby in her embrace as she recited the little girl's words.

Years after her elopement and burying all the tears that she faced as a toddler, was running back. She was afraid if she had left her prince in this orphanage, he would have been ruined. Most of those children had already been. It was not a shocking news when the little girl told her about the young girl's case. She was not dumb to not understand what must have happened behind the walls.

The children were locked in fridge, sent to work and were beaten to let some psycho people have fun. How ridiculous and cheap. She could never leave her prince there. Never.

It was not like she did not cared about the orphan children but some things are not really in your hand. Despite wanting to help them, she could not. Everything requires money and that, she lacks. Involving police in such a big case, required connections and she hardly knew anyone after her grandpa and boss. She did not even had any friends who she could ask advice from.

She looked at the list that she made of all the prospective orphanage and there were still 4 of them left to be checked. But her heart was still afraid for the boy who was sleeping in her arms without any worry of the world. A heavy feeling crept her heart at the possiblity of her grandpa's words.

What if she fails to judge the orphanage and ruin the future of the baby? What if he can't have a happy life? God forbid, if he turns to the direction his mother never wanted him to go. No. She cannot take the risk.

His late mother trusted her indirectly, how could she break that?

But handling a baby was impossible too.

The baby deserved the best. And she doubted if she could even give him a safe place to grow in.

Unconsciously, she reached her house and pressed the doorbell. Minutes later came the glaring face of vineeta but neetika paid no need to it, walking inside calmly.

"You went to give away this baby, but you are back with it. Why? Are you planning to keep it with yourself? " Before neetika could even reply, vineeta started again. "Don't even think that I'll let two orphans stay in my house."

There was no way Neetika could tell Vineeta what she experienced today and how she was afraid to leave the baby.

Her aunt will kick her out, leaving her on deserted roads again. What would she do then?

Clutching the baby more to herself, she closed her eyes. "It will take time to give him in an orphanage. At least a week. Or a month. Or maybe---"

Her aunt interrupted her nervous rant, "Not more than three days. I want this baby out within three days or be ready to leave this house yourself. "

Neetika gulped, not able to negotiate, and left to her room. With a sole question bugging her mind.

What after three days?

She was sitting near her window, with the baby in her arms. It was ironic how she wanted to leave this baby this morning, but couldn't even mutter the courage to keep him away from herself.

There was no verbal communication with the two, it was not even 24 hours since she met her prince, and definitely not any blood relation. Yet she developed huge feelings for the baby. It was as if it was her own.

No nituu-- don't get attach to him. You can't keep him.

She tried to convince herself.

"Bacche? " Her grandpa entered the room and she stood up, passing a smile. "You did not leave this baby in the orphanage? I thought you were firm in your decision. "

The smile faltered on her face, soon taken over by a whiny face as she noticed the mischievous glance in her grandpa's face.

"Just kidding. " Grandpa laughed it out. "I knew you won't be able to seperate this cute munchkin, he's adorable. I noticed how nervous you were, downstairs. Does it mean that you are planning to keep my laddoo? "

Neetika sighed, looking at the sleeping baby.

"I do not know. "

"From 'No' to 'I don't know', there's progress. " Grandpa exclaimed.

"I really don't know, grandpa. I do not know what to do next. The orphanage I was thinking to be the perfect place for my prince, turned out to be a place of hell. I feel bad for the kids there, and terrifying wandering what if I had left my prince there.

I couldn't muster the courage to check other institutions, I just came back. But I cannot keep prince too. I won't be able to. Being an illiterate, I just get enough money to keep up our own expenses, how can I keep a baby? " She voiced out her worries, a tear escaping her eye.

"Why can you not? If you want, you can. Don't worry about finances, my medications can be avoided. My pension carries a good amount for an average rent. If you shift to other place, I'll give you whole of my pension. My son won't be able to take that, I won't let him.

You will have enough money to nurture him and save a little for his studies. "

Neetika shook her head, overwhelmed with emotions. "When I first saw you, I thought you will make me your servant too, but then you fought with your family. For me. That was the moment, when I took you as my God.

How can you think that I will ever leave my God? You took my responsibility when no one did, now how can I leave yours? Your medications are necessary, I won't compromise. "

"Don't be emotional when it comes to one's life, nitu. I'm too old now, we do not know how long I'll live. But this boy has a big life ahead. I'll still have my son who will at least give me three time meal.

But this baby? He's got no one. Except you. You have to nurture him and make him a better person. "

After much convincing, Neetika finally agreed to the proposal and hugged her grandpa, not knowing if she is in the right path.

All she knew was, as long as her grandpa is with her, her God was with her. The supreme, the divine, the ultimate.

She could feel the responsibility she was taking already in her arms as the baby purred in his sleep. A warm smile spread on her face, knowing she found a new reason to survive in this world.

"I will give you my best. " She kissed the baby's forehead, caressing his face and keeping close to herself.


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