part 33

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Anshad corrected the collars of his light colored shirt as he stared at his reflection from the mirror. Compared to the man he was till yesterday, he was completely changed. He could see his past self.

But his long hairs and dark tanned skin were a reminder of his failed attempts to find his own family. He hated to ever give up on his promise but again, he must move on. He cannot lose his loving family for the lady who was nothing less than a gold digger and a selfish woman.

His blood boiled remembering her. He could not forget how she ran away with his son and must be living a good life with some other man.

"Anshad, the car is ready. Let's go. " Sriyansh informed him as he came inside the room. Anshad looked at his friend and remembered how he was the biggest support he had, in these months.

He smiled emotionally at his friend and pulled him in a brotherly hug, thanking him for all he did. "You have taken care of me when I could not. Thank you brother, thank you so much. "

Sriyansh smiled at Anshad and patted his back twice. "Friends don't say thank you to each other. And if you want to do something for me as well, please try to move on and leave the addiction you have with alcohol. "

"I.. " Anshad was tongue tied. He didn't want to lie because he knew he could not do it. He tried before to leave the alcohol but he felt his body contracting and exhausting. He feels like his body desperately needs something and without it, he may die.

"You don't need to answer it. Just try, and if you succeed, know that I will be the happiest person. " Sriyansh reassured and Anshad, gratefully, nodded.


"Should I take Prince to the park, today? He must be so bored of seeing only our house and office. He will be happy while going to park. " Vaani suggested suddenly as she was cleaning the kitchen with Neetika.

Prince was crawling throughout the kitchen, going from one direction to another and stealing the spoons without letting anyone present in the kitchen know about it. He loved spoons and had a habit of hiding the spoons inside of his T-shirt. But before he could bring it to his hiding spot, his mother or someone else always caught him.

As soon as Prince heard his grandma about taking him somewhere, he crawled to her and started tugging on her saree while raising his arms. Indicating Vani to pick him up.

Neetika and Vaani looked at the noisy Prince and chuckled when he wanted to be lifted by his grandma. These days, Prince was totally spoiled as no one other than Neetika ever scolded him and do everything he asks. This has made him stubborn and a lot clever. Because he knows how to get his work done.

He truly is very clever. His mother, Neetika, always complained to Akansh and he always giggled seeing her complaints getting ignored.

"Are.. Mera baccha dadi ke pass ayega? " Vaani cooked and picked him in her arms, pinching his nose swiftly.

Neetika knew he was trying to butter his dadi so that even if she refuses, he can cry in her dadi's arms and make dadi confess his mumma to give the required permission.

Prince cupped the cheeks of Vaani and placed a kiss on her both cheeks, making Vaani laugh. Neetika chuckled and decided to play a little with her naughty son.

"No, Mom. Dad and Akansh will come early today and we already have to go temple in the evening. There are so many preparations to be done, so don't go today. " Neetika sounded innocent and for a second, Vaani was convinced. Although her mood saddened but she nodded to agree with Neetika..

Prince looked between her mother and grandmother, thinning his eye brows when he didn't like their decision much. He soon started the weapon that always helped him to get his wishes fulfilled.

He started crying. Neetika knew it was just an act, so she ignored his cries and carried on with her work.

"Let him cry mom, he will get silent by his own. " She said, hiding her smile, and without turning to them.

Vaani tried to pacify him but seeing his mother so negligent towards him, he started to cry in real. Neetika realized that he was crying in real now. She looked at him and washed her hands clean before running to him.

Prince made grabby hands towards his mother and Vaani passed the baby to Neetika who clutched him to her heart soon. She brushed his long hair locks and tried to coo him. But he continued to cry.

"I should not have even proposed to take him out. " Vaani sighed, leaning to the platform and regretting her idea.

"Mom, I was just trying to play a little. I didn't know that he will start crying in real. " Neetika said, with her own eyes teary.

No matter how much she scolds Prince for turning so naughty day-by-day, she was still the same mother who used to lose her sense when her son cried.

When Prince heard her, he stopped crying and only sniffed, seeing his mother with innocent eyes. He was sucking his thumb. When Neetika noticed him again, she stopped patting his back, and Prince hid his face in the crook of her neck.

Knowing what his mother will say now.

"He is such a melo-drama, Mom. When he realized that I was ignoring his acting to cry, he started crying in real. And when I agreed with you taking him out, he immediately stopped. " Neetika lightly hit his back, not hurting him enough.

Prince giggled at her neck and Vaani chuckled, too.

"Because he knows that his mother cannot stay calm when he is crying loudly. " Vaani said. "And you also said to ignore his crying, but could not do the same when he was really crying. "

"Mom, I.... " Neetika looked for some answer but got none.

"It's fine, beta! " Vaani patted her head lovingly. "I am a mother too, and I know, no mother can ever endure his son's pain and his cries. "

Neetika just smiled, and passed the baby to Vaani. Vaani took Prince out changing his clothes and then left with the driver.

"I know, Mom. I know, you are just looking out for the ways from which you can know if your son is really coming or not. You think he will only see you all from far and go away, and he will not come inside the house. That's why you are trying to be outside the house as much as possible. "

Neetika said, looking at the disappearing car and remembering how Vaani went to vegetables market today in place of their house helper, how she tried to be in the terrace as much as possible, and now this.


What do you think will happen now? 🌚💀

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 19 ⏰

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