part 8

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"Mera pyara baccha" Neetika kissed his cheeks as she wiped his wet body and wrapped the baby towel around Prince. 

"Now mumma will make you look handsome and cute with this white sweater and cargo pants. " She said showing him the clothes and started massaging his body with the baby oil.

She did everything that the YouTube told the best for the babies and then made him wear his clothes. "Now mumma will give paisa to her rajkumar." She said and Prince started hiding his eyes.

She chuckled knowing how much he cries when she puts kajal in his eyes. So she gave him an empty cream bottle and when he started to play with it, she put Kajal.

Then she put the dots with Kajal in the corner of his forehead, on his palms and ion the beneath of his legs.

"You know, till tomorrow I didn't want you to grow up but now I'm desperate to hear you call me mumma. When will you grow up and call me mumma? " She pouted and then a thought crossed her mind that filled her eyes with tears.

"You will call me mumma right? I know I'm not your biological mumma and can never love you the way she would have, but I do love you. More than myself. And.. If you don't call me mumma, it's fine. Just never leave me. You are the only reason of my existence now, please don't leave me ever, or I may die. "

She sobbed putting her head on the baby's lap while he continued to play with the bottle and kept on making coherent noises.


Neetika was listening carefully to Akansh who was explaining the planner of the next one month where she will be working in a very important project. She will also be leading a group of 50 people, and this was not less than a task for her.

"Are you sure I can do all this? " She asked nervously when he was over and he looked at her for a moment.

"Ofc you can." Akansh motivated. "Just be confident and alert. Give attention to the minutes and make sure there is no place of error in this project. If you need any help, I'm here. I've given you my number, you can call me anytime. "

Neetika nodded, still unsure of what the future holds for her. Akansh cleared his voice to gain her attention.

"Yes? "

"How's Prince? " The question amazed Neetika. Why was her boss taking interest in her baby?

"He's good. " She replied courteously and Akansh gave a small nod before looking at his lap.

His fingers were playing drums in the table while he looked as if he was hesitant to say something.

"Is there any issue, sir? " She asked again and akansh looked at her for a second before answering.

"No--actually yes. I've a suggestion for you." That caught her attention and she sat straight. "Leaving such a small baby for the whole day is not good. You should bring him with you in the company, this way he'll be safe here. "

"Even I wanted to do that but the company's norms do not permit me to bring my baby here - daily. He may cause disturbance to the management or something. It's fine, I keep calling in the nursery to ensure his safety. "

"But... You can bring him occasionally, like when you have to work for extra hours you know. There will be no problem here. I've a room in this floor, he can be there. "

Neetika felt something odd about what her boss said but nodded courteously. Anyways it was on her favor and she was happy that she could bring her baby here occasionally.

"Ok. Thank you, you can start your work now. " Neetika nodded again and stood up to leave the office.

Once she was out, she sighed in relief. Her boss was always kind hearted, it was not new. But still she could not understand why would he permit her to bring her baby and even offer his office room to him.

"Sir ka aaj koi accident hua hai kya? " She asked the p.a. of Akansh and he gave her a weird look before shaking his head and moving to his own cabin.

Embarrassed, she moved to the employees floor and started working.


Akansh was going towards his car when he saw the employees lift still working actively. Everyday the guard switches off the power of the elevators after all the employees left. But today it was different.

So to check, he walked to the guard and asked about the same.

"There is no exit signature of Ms. Neetika. She must be working late so I didn't switch off the power supply. "

Akansh gave a nod before going to his car. He dialled Neetika's number and waited for her to pick it up. But the phone came switched off. He frowned and immediately came out of the car.

He went to the floor she was working in and sighed when he saw her sleeping on her desk while still holding a file.

"Neetika." He called. "Wake up, it's late. You cannot sleep here in the office. " He said moving her chair a little.

But Neetika was sleeping deeply. The moving of the chair or the loud voice of Akansh did not really effect her.

"That's the last option I have now. " Akansh picked up her water bottle and opened the cap before splashing the water lightly.

But she was still sleeping. And this made him worried. He checked her forehead but she was not having excess temperature. So this time, he took the whole bottle and splashed it over her face.

"Ahhhh.... Mumma.. " Neetika fell off the chair and Akansh took two steps back, panicking.

"Oh no! Are you hurt somewhere? " He immediately picked her up and made her sit on the table before rubbing her head.

She looked at him with big eyes, shivering lips and a confused mind.

"You were not waking up so I just splashed some water, I didn't know you will fall off the chair. Tell me if you are hurt somewhere. " He asked while still rubbing her head and cupping her neck.

"No Sir, I'm fine. It's just my back hurts and my head feels like someone has hammered it." Akansh could successfully identify the sarcasm loaded in her sweet voice.

"It's okay. Come let's go to Doctor. "

"Doctor? I do not go to Doctor even when I'm ill, and you ask me to go to the Doctor for such a small thing? The pain will be fine in a day or two. " She told and Akansh pierced his lips before moving her fingers on her slender neck.

He took a step nearer to her, to check if she got a wound on her head. "You should not be casual after falling. These pains do not hurt instantly, rather they take a day to tell you the real impact of the fall. "

His honey browns met her deep browns as he leaned closer. "Do you understand? "

His deep slow and minty fresh breath fanning her face, took away the ability to speak a word. She gulped, suddenly realising the proximity they were sharing. It was not unprofessional, but was not professional either.

"Do you understand, Neetika? " He questioned again. Giving a light squeeze on her neck and she could only nod her head. After looking down.

She kept her hands over his chest and gently motioned him to take a step back. Akansh took a step back and released his hold on her, pinching the bridge of his nose.

"Pack your stuff, it's too late now. "

"Too late? " Neetika looked around and saw the whole office was empty and all the lights except of her area were switched off.

Her eyes went to her wrist watch and she gasped seeing the time. "It's... It's 10 in the night. " She took her mobile and her eyes watered seeing so many calls from the nursery.

How could she be so irresponsible? How can she sleep like this, leaving her Prince there? She questioned herself.

"It's fine, Neetika. You must have fallen asleep because of the lack of proper sleep these days. Now don't waste your time while thinking and come with me."

Unlike other times, Neetika didn't tried to interject his idea and accepted it at once. She wanted to go to Prince as soon as possible.

So she hurried and the two sat in his car before he started driving.


You all can suggest the scenes you want with the characters. Especially with Akansh and Prince.

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