part 4.

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As the day proceeded, Neetika started looking for affordable rent places where she could live with her prince. But no one agreed to give their place to a single mom, who was unmarried at the top.

There were so many assumptions to be made seeing a 19 year old holding a baby, unmarried, looking for a residential property. No one in the society wanted to be in limelight by giving roof to someone like her.

"I hope the matters are settled, and you will leave this baby somewhere. The neighbors are already making stories about this baby, I don't want our reputation to be tamed. " Vineeta said sharply.

"Actually, " Neetika started, "I'm going to leave too. I do--"

Vineeta didn't let her proceed as she squealed with the idea of a burden leaving them. It was as if her wish was granted today.

"And ask your husband to not take my pension from this month. There is no need of rent now, I will have the money for myself. "

Vineeta looked at her father-in-law dumbfounded. "Are you not leaving with these two? "

"Why will i? The will said, as long as I live, you all cannot ask me to leave and will take care of my expenses. So now it's time for you all to take care of this oldie. "

Neetika knew that her grandpa was in mood to torment his poor son and daughter-in-law. Earlier he had to bear them so that they can let her live here, but now he has got no reason.

Neetika hid her smile.

When Vineeta left, twitching her mouth, the two laughed together.


Neetika called her boss, to tell him about the acceptance of his earlier offer. As much as she didn't want to comply, she had to do it now.

It was the only way, she could earn more money, and more money meant a better lifestyle for her prince. And  maybe she could help her grandpa.

Her granda was, undoubtedly, an amazing soul. Otherwise who keeps a stranger above their family and give them a life by staking themselves?

She remembered how motivating his smile was, when she stood up to follow him in the streets. He held her tender finger amid the hustle in human misery, and fought against all the odds.

A small smile with little tears in her eyes, appeared on her face. She looked at the baby who was sleeping close to her, and promised to give him everything she ever received from her grandpa.

Afterall, the life is all about give and take.

As the bell rang to her boss's call, she gave one more thought to her decision.

She just had to sign up for a project. With a sole condition to complete it in a small span of time. The offer was for every employee in the company, but no one was ready to take it.

The project required thorough research, day and night working and almost Dedicating a whole of month to the company. The seniors had informed them how tiring and challenging the project was.

Making all of them to take a step back and remain satisfied with the current wages and salaries they were receiving.

The reason why neetika did not take this offer was, her vineeta aunt would not let her work late night and create a chaos in the peaceful times of the family. Her expenses were managed by the given salary, so she never gave a thought to this project.

But now she did.

And this was ten times challenging for her.

She was still learning the corporate world. Being less qualified, she already faced so many problems. But thanks to her grandpa's source in the HR department of the company that she got a good job in the MNC.

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