Part 9

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Neetika was trying to call in the nursery but this time they were not picking it. And this was taking her sanity at the edge.

"Do not Panic, Neetika. Calm down. " Before Neetika could snap, Akansh stopped her. "I know I should not ask you this when your baby is in the nursery and you cannot contact it. But hear me out. "

When she didn't stopped him, he continued in soft tone. "I know how nurseries work. They must have given you a way to access the nursery in your mobile, incase you want to keep a check. Use that. "

"My.. My mobile doesn't support that facility. " She replied, looking down.

"Do you have the passwords? "

Neetika took her bag and started searching. After a minute she showed the diary where she had the login IDs written.

"Great. Give me that. " Akansh stopped his car in a corner and took the diary. He took out his mobile and started accessing the footage.

She was trying to tell him that they should continue to their journey rather than wasting time like this. But she sat silent when she saw what Akansh showed.

"This.. This is Prince. " She said, pointing to the last crib where her Prince was crying and almost all the people were trying to make him silent.
Because he was making the other babies cry too.

Without waiting for her instruction, Akansh started driving in high speed and reached her building in no time.

Neetika ran inside while Akansh, after much debate in his head, came out of his car too. He walked in the direction she ran to and found Neetika kissing Prince's face rapidly.

The baby was making baby sounds as he tried to cup Neetika's face in his little tiny palms.

"Ma'am please try to pick up our calls. Prince was crying non-stop from 2 hours and we tried everything to make him stop yet nothing worked. "

"Did my Prince miss me so much? " Neetika asked the baby in the baby tone before turning to the staff.
"I apologize for the problem you faced, it will not happen again. Thank you. "

Neetika kissed Prince's forehead and clutched him to her chest as she left the nursery and entered the lift. Prince started wiggling in her arms when he found a familiar face looking at him with love filled eyes.

Akansh took no moment and entered the lift, beside Neetika, ignoring her confused face.

"There is an alert message in my mobile that we should remain inside our home for the next three hours. There is some emergency. " Akansh said, taking deep breaths and moving his hands involuntarily.

"What emergency? "

"I don't know, maybe a robbery case in a bank or maybe some thief ran. I do not know. " Akansh could not understand how to explain his side when he himself did not knew what was happening with him.

There was an unknown feeling that was pulling him to the baby. Maybe he knew the reason, but he could not understand the love he felt for Prince, out of all other babies he met.

"Don't give pressure to your body, you had fallen down today. Give Prince to me, I'll hold him. " Akansh said and Neetika could not deny him.

The back pain was moving till her neck and it was difficult to stand, let alone holding an infant. So she passed the baby to Akansh and Prince, too, willingly wrapped his hands around Akansh.

The latter smiled kissing the chubby cheeks of Prince and tightened his hold on him. "Why are you so cute, my charmer? "

In response, the baby bit his chin and Akansh chuckled while looking at Neetika. "I'm so jealous that you got Prince and not me. "

Even though Neetika told herself that Akansh was just saying it for fun, she could not help but notice how lovingly Akansh was looking at Prince and was playing with him.

There was spark similar in his eyes that she saw only in her grandpa's. A spark filled with love and blessings.

"Prince hai hi itna pyaara, kisi ko bhi pyar ho jaye" Neetika told, remembering how she was adamant to not keep Prince with her and leave him anywhere, but now she could not even think of leaving him.

"Right. " It was the last word they shared until silence took over.

Neetika opened the gates of her room and gave space for Akansh to enter. As soon as Akansh took a step in, he stopped. He looked around the room l, synchronizing if it was a storm or a tsunami that occured here.

To say Neetika was embarrassed, was an understatement. She tucked a hair behind her ear and instantly gathered all the clothes from the bed and threw it on a stool. She wiped the spilled milk on the floor with the mop.

Akansh was just looking at her clueless. Even though he wanted to help her in cleaning, he didn't want to seperate Prince from himself. So he walked to the small window and started showing the world to Prince.

Neetika looked at the two in between of setting the bedsheet and a smile appeared on her lips seeing Prince curiously looking outside and stealing some glances to look at her, to ensure that she has not left him again.

She realised how she never took time to introduce the nature to Prince and, simply, always took him to the crowded places. She wrote it in the back of her mind, to introduce the beauty of the eternal and peace of the nature to her baby.

"Please take these, Sir. " She said, opening the box of freshly baked cookies. Akansh turned to look at her and then the box.

"I.. Do not like cookies. " He replied hesitantly.

"I've made these in home, with proper hygiene. It is not too sugary, and are just yum. Taste it once, and you will ask me for cookies daily. " Her conviction led Akansh to take one cookie and have a small bite.

His skeptical expressions were taken over by an impressive one as he took the another bite. "It's good, what flavor is it? "

"Naan khatai. " She replied, excitedly and took one cookie for herself. "I've been baking these for years now, my grandpa used to steal these always. "

Neetika motioned Akansh to sit on the bed and he followed her instructions carefully. He clutched Prince with both of his hands and sat down, crossing one of his legs. Neetika sat on the other side of the bed.

"But why steal? " He continued the conversation, while taking the other cookie.

"Because he has diabetes and I strictly restrict him to take anything that's sugary. And he like every other grandpa, loves sweets. So he always steals the cookies from my room. "

Akansh nodded, before putting forth his question. "If you both used to live together, then why did you shift here? He must be alone now. "

The thought, alone, saddened Neetika. "There were things that could not go together. But it is fine, I'm updated about how he is. "

Akansh nodded and turned his attention back to the baby.


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