part 13

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The next morning, Akansh asked Neetika to bring Prince in the company, along with them.

"The weather may turn bad today as well. It's better to take Prince with us, rather than leaving him in a nursery. " He explained and Neetika could not help but agree.

"You should have made a nursery in the company, too. Do you know what we feel leaving our babies alone in home? " She questioned, leaning on the table.

Akansh chuckled seeing her, and shook his head. He wandered what changed her shy nature just an overnight.

"I am free today, I can manage Prince with me. Do not worry. " He told before looking at her and then a trick crossed his mind.

"Only if you allow, Prince's mumma. " He raised his hands in surrender and gave her a teasing smile when she looked at him with narrowed eyes.

He laughed it out and lifted Prince in the air, "Today, you are under my care buddy!! Let's goo... " He ran around the dining table merrily and Neetika looked at him gobsmacked.

He was not the intimidating personality, that she always found him as.


Akansh stopped his car just a square before his company, as instructed by Neetika, and she looked at Pr0ince before looking at him.

"Are you sure you can handle him? At times he gets very cranky and stubborn. " She asked him the same question she has been asking since it was decided that Akansh will take care of Prince today.

"For the last time, yes. And it's not like you are going somewhere, you are in the same building. If I'll need you, I'll call you. " He blinked his eyes and gave a soft smile before turning to Prince who was sitting on his lap and drumming on the steering wheel.

"Say bye to your mumma and tell her you will be happy with me. " He told Prince in his baby voice and the baby giggled taking his fingers in his mouth.

"Don't let him suck on his fingers. " Neetika took out the fingers off Prince's face and glared at him. "He is developing the habit of taking everything in his mouth. "

The baby turned his face from her and she looked at him with open-mouth.

"Okay.  I understood. Now go or you'll be late. Bye. "

Neetika looked at both of them and then got off the car. She started walking to the company while Akansh turned his attention to the little one. "Grow up a little so we can eat something together. " He pouted at Prince, before driving till the company.

Apparently they both had to go to the same place but Neetika suggested to get off just a square before the company so the other employees do not get a chance to make any rumours related to them.

Usually at the evening when Akansh used to drop her to her place, the employees would have already gone.


Akansh parked his car in the basement and took Prince in his arms before going to his private lift. He could see some pair of eyes looking at them, but he maintained his posture, giving them no need and moved to his private floor.

He bought Prince to his cabin and made him sit on his chair before taking off his coat. "Come, let's play a game. " He opened his laptop after sitting on his chair and settling Prince on his lap.

The baby screamed in happiness seeing such a big bright screen and started rocking his hands on the table.

Akansh took Prince's index finger and started playing temple run in the laptop. Whenever the character slid off the robe, the baby giggle and when the monster came behind him, the baby made an "Ooo" Sound. Akansh was deliberately bringing the monster near the character, to see Prince's expressions.

"That's all. Five minutes are more than enough for your age. " Akansh closed the laptop and kept it away, ignoring the wide eyes of the baby.

Seeing no effect of his on Akansh, the baby started crying pulling his chain and Akansh gave him a sharp eye. "No more Screen, let's enjoy something else."

He picked Prince back in his arms and moved to the room he had made in his room just an year ago. He sat on the bed, taking his guitar. The baby, as usual, sat on his lap and looked at the instrument with his curious eyes. He was going to touch its strings but Akansh stopped it.

"Let me do the honors, My Lord. Please enjoy the show. " Akansh looked at the guitar and started humming a soft music before going to a rocking one.

He sang along and screamed the high notes, noticing how cutest Prince was trying to copy him. It seemed a fun activity where only vibes matched, leaving the notes of the songs.

"That's all. I'm tired! "
Akansh laid straight on the bed, keeping the guitar at the corner and Prince who was now sitting on his lap, took his fingers in his mouth before lying over Akansh with a giggle.

Akansh turned their position and made Prince lay on the bed while nuzzling onto his neck and cuddling him. Careful with his weight.

"You should take a nap now. " Akansh started caressing the baby's head so that he can sleep a little.

But before Prince could fall asleep, Akansh himself slept.

Neetika on the other side was working while thinking about Akansh and Prince. She was scolding herself mentally that she was over thinking, and if there was some problem with Prince, Akansh would have definitely called her.

Moreover she has seen their bonding and she was sure that there must be no problem.

Once again, she emerged herself in work.

An hour later or two, she decided to just take a small sneak peak on her Prince, and to tell herself that she was not worried, she named it under the pretext of showing the research reports to Akansh.

She knocked on Akansh's cabin but heard no response. Her eyebrows furrowed as she knocked more loudly. When there was still no response, she directly entered the cabin and her heart clenched seeing it all empty. There was none.

Her gaze went to an open door and she slowly took steps to enter there. A chuckle left her mouth as she saw the duo cuddled in a bed and sleeping without any worry.

She silently closed the door and then came out.


In the evening, Akansh dropped Neetika and Prince in their home and while bidding bye to Prince, he only made one request to Neetika. That is, to  bring Prince occasionally in their workplace.

Grateful to his helps, she agreed.

When she opened the door of her room, it gave a stinky odour. She took off her dupatta and wrapped it around her face. "Let me clean a corner for you first. " She told Prince and then started looking where she could sat him.

It was hilarious how she didn't have a proper chair where she could place Prince in.

"Can I be a little help? " A voice emerged from the entrance and she looked back, only to find Akansh with a wide grin.



The chapters are not in order and the feature of arranging the chapters is, probably, not working.
So once the story gets complete, I'll try to arrange.

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