part 7

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Even though Neetika tried her best to school her prince for not crying and just be in her arms, the baby, as soon as, saw the most unfamiliar lavish place started to cry. Especially seeing such a place empty and silent.

Neetika clutched him to her chest and kissed his forehead to keep him cool, but his tears were making her panic. Was it a bad idea to bring him with her?

But then she didn't want to leave Prince again in the nursery, not wanting to witness any kind of insecurity again.

"Your son? " The receptionist asked and neetika nodded. "Congratulations, but you were not pregnant? "

"My prince is crying, please excuse us. I have to go in HR Department. " Neetika professionally avoided the answer and moved to the lift.

Instead of going in the HR-department floor, she pressed the button for CEO's.

She asked the guards if the Sir was back.

"Yes, he came early than expected and is leaving for his home now. " They told her.

"Okay. Thanks. " She hurriedly moved to his cabin and knocked the door.

Not getting a reply, she peeked inside by opening the door a little. "Sirr? "

Akansh was busy gathering his stuff to leave to his parents' house. He was taken aback when someone appeared inside the cabin without informing.

He looked angrily at the intruder. "What? Did you not collect your resignation letter that you're here? "

"Sir please listen to me. "

"I do not have time Neetika. Please hurry up if you want to say som--" His loud voice was interrupted by Prince's cries and Neetika shut her eyes in frustration.

"Don't cry or we'll be on road tomorrow. " She whispered to the baby and hugged him tighter.

"Sir, he cries in tensed environment. Just 5 minutes, I promise. Not more than that. " She pleaded Akansh.

"I'm getting late. You have time till I'm packing my bag, not more than that. " He warned before continuing his work.

"Fine. Sir, I'm really sorry for today, I promise it will not happen again. "

She started telling him the real story from the day she met Prince and how she tried to give him in the orphanage but knowing the environment inside, she could not. She intentionally not added anything about her grandpa and his family. Not wanting to share more than necessary.

"Are you for real, Ms. Neetika? What you are doing is not as easy as it looks. "

"I know. That is the reason I'm asking for this job. Sir, I promise to give my 200% from tomorrow, I'll work day and night. But don't fire me. "

"But--" He sighed when he, yet again, could not complete what he wanted to say and this time he was interrupted by his parents' call. "Okay fine. But one more wrong move, and I'll fire you. "

"Yes sir. Thank you. "

Akansh simply nodded.

She looked at Prince who was playing silently with the paperweight and took it from him before standing. The baby looked at her once before crying again.

"That's not ours. I'll buy one for you in the way, don't cry so much. " She whispered but the baby was a baby. He wanted the same paperweight.

"It's okay, Let him take it. "

She looked embarrassed at her boss, thinking he heard her. "No sir, He's just a baby--"

"Yes, he is just a baby. Let him take it, if he likes it. " Akansh said passing the paperweight to Prince who immediately stopped crying and looked at Akansh like he was the most needed person in the planet earth.

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