28]Nanduuuu Yaarrrr !!!!!!!!

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Nandini knew that there was no going back from here , she had to take this step not only for Manik but for the trust he had in her and for herself to be strong enough. She knew friendships require effort and work and no one side bonds work and Manik is a gem he never deserves to be in one and in this short duration of time Nandini knew she could never let her first friend feel as if she is ashamed of him. It was a matter of fact that she was scared, scared of so many things but her being scared wasn't a reason for Manik to have guilt. She had no clue how friendships work but seeing how Manik felt when he had to hide the fact that they were friends it surely didn't make her feel good. Nandini wasn't scared of any ones judgement she had faced the entire world alone come acrooss morons and showed them their place but meeting these people was something different as their reaction impacted Manik, she knew he won't stop being there for her irrespective of what they say but she didn't want to be the reason of him feeling torn.

Nandini was brought out of her overthinking by Manik who nudged her informing her that they had reached the jam room

Manik:"Nandu there is still time if you are not sure we can let it be , please do not force yourself if even there is the slightest uncomfortableness let me know we won't go there inside. It's no biggie"

How could Nandini not want to take the step because this person here not even mentioned about how things would impact him or anything else he was focused on ensuring that she was comfortable , in that moment Nandini knew whatever would happen inside this man beside her won't let it come to her. She was scared of how within such a short span she started trusting him so much but what can she do its Manik and true to his name he is a gem.

Nandini:"Manik how many personalities do you have , I am literally sure we need a doctor for u , you are Flirty Malhotra, Butler Malhotra and know Overthinker Malhotra too, my my lord , I know i had no friends earlier but doesn't give you the right to make my first friend be so many people"

Manik couldn't believe how casually she threw sarcasm in the conversation and this confidence in Nandini and her sarcastic side boosted Manik too , but when she realized she had again made fun of him he couldn't stop himself from pouting.

Manik couldn't believe how casually she threw sarcasm in the conversation and this confidence in Nandini and her sarcastic side boosted Manik too , but when she realized she had again made fun of him he couldn't stop himself from pouting

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Manik's Reaction

Manik:"Nanduuuuu.....yaarrrrr.....tum bhi na"

Nandini:" See now Kid Malhotra ,I toh surely will go mad figuring you out "

Manik: "Joh bhi hu jaisa bhi hu sab tumhara hi hu Nandu , I will be whoever u want me to be , just give me the privilege to be there by your side, because you Nandini deserve the whole world and nothing less and i am just a small person trying to be grateful to be in ur presence"

Nandini was spellbound could this person leave her tongue tied every moment and make her feel as if she is so special.

Nandini:"I can never ein from you in matter of words, come let's go in and get this done so that you stop being a Monkey"

Manik:"Nandu there never would be a war between us and I am ready to be on the losing side always if you are the one who is wining . But seriously Nandu how could you call this handsome face a  Monkey!!!!!!!!!

Nandini: "Narcissist let's move in now or else you will keep me stuck here "


The five friends sat in the jam room, exchanging curious glances as they pondered why Manik had summoned them all together. There was an air of mystery hanging over their heads, mingled with a tinge of excitement.

"I wonder what Manik wants," Alia mused, twirling a strand of her hair around her finger. "Maybe he's planning to take us shopping! He knows how much I love a good shopping spree."

Dhruv's eyes widened at the mention of shopping. "Oh no, not again," he groaned, remembering the last time they went on a shopping trip with Alia. It had been a chaotic mess of indecision and endless hours spent in fitting rooms.

Cabir chuckled, patting Dhruv on the back sympathetically. "I doubt it's shopping, Alia. If anything, Manik probably wants to take us out to eat. Food is life, after all," he declared with a grin, earning an enthusiastic nod from Navya.

Navya rolled her eyes playfully. "Cabir, sometimes I think you should just marry food. You love it more than anything else," she teased, nudging him gently.

Cabir laughed, throwing his hands up in mock surrender. "Hey, can you blame me? Good food is worth more than gold! And to think about you I need energy and food is the source of enerfy na , so for me to think about you food is necessary " he exclaimed, earning a round of laughter from the group.

Mukti furrowed her brows slightly, her thoughts racing as she tried to make sense of the situation. She couldn't shake off the feeling of unease that settled in the pit of her stomach. Was everything alright with Manik? And did this gathering have any relation to what happened earlier with Nandini and the controversial social media picture?

But before she could dwell further on her concerns, Manik's voice broke through her thoughts, bringing her back to the present moment. Mukti shook her head slightly, deciding to push aside her worries for now and focus on whatever adventure Manik had in store for them. After all, they were in this together, and she trusted Manik to lead them through whatever challenges lay ahead.

As they continued to speculate, the door to the jam room swung open, revealing Manik with a mischievous glint in his eyes. "Well, well, well, glad to see you all here. Ready for a little surprise?" he said, a mysterious smile playing on his lips.

As Manik entered the jam room, Mukti's eyes widened in surprise, and she exchanged a bewildered glance with the others. Their shock was palpable as they noticed Nandini standing beside him, her expression a mix of uncertainty and apprehension.

"Wait, Nandini? What are you doing here?" Dhruv blurted out, voicing the question that was on everyone's mind.

Manik shifted uncomfortably, avoiding eye contact as she fidgeted with the hem of his shirt. "Um, I wanted to talk to all of us, I have something important to inform to you all " he explained hesitantly.

Nandini stepped forward, her gaze sweeping over his friends as she addressed them. "I know this might come as a surprise, but there's something important for Manik so I am here to discuss that with you guys ," she began, his tone serious yet composed.

All of them were taken aback with the confidence and calmness that she depicted even though she was standing inside their jam room but her confidence in herself was astonishing.

Hi guys, I know a short update but definitely a start to getting back to writing , do let me know your honest opinion on this part. 





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