4)The Fund-raiser [edited]

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In a general sense, fundraising is the process of seeking and collecting voluntary financial contributions by engaging individuals, businesses, charitable institutions, or government agencies. While fundraising typically refers to efforts to gather money for a social cause, for the MURTHY'S, it was considered a social commitment.

This particular event was an annual one organized by MURTHY Inc. to raise funds for underprivileged children. The collected donations were intended for shelters and NGOs to aid in the development of underprivileged children.

The irony here lies in Mr. Murthy's extensive dedication to organizing a fundraiser for underprivileged children while conspicuously neglecting his own daughter for the past ten years. Every year, he and his wife would put on a grand show, portraying themselves as charitable and humanitarian. However, the reality was quite different, and fortunately for a few, Nandini was returning just before the fundraiser, providing them with a golden opportunity to showcase their parenting skills.

The fundraiser, being a significant event, attracted attention from the media and paparazzi, eagerly anticipating the return of the sole living heir of the Kapoor family (Nandini's mother's side) after a decade.

The invitations for the fundraiser had been sent to all wealthy investors in Delhi, including the clients of the Murthys and, hush-hush, the Malhotras, who were also significant clients.

The day of the fundraiser arrives.

Nyonika: Raj, what do you think about the fundraiser? Are we going to contribute directly or just present the donation on behalf of the company?

Raj: I think we should go with the company presentation, as the invitation mentions the company's name.

Manik: Dad, can I do my bit? Fab5 has decided to donate from the proceeds of our shows. It's not a huge amount.

Nyonika: I am proud of all my children. You never fail to make us proud. Manik, this is our way of giving back to society. Although we haven't faced any issues, there are many children who struggle even for a single meal.

Raj: We are proud of you, Manik. Stay blessed. Now, let's eat and be ready on time.

Meanwhile, at the Murthy Mansion...

Nandini wakes up to find a notification on her phone - an email from The Murthy's inviting her to their annual fundraiser for underprivileged children. 

                                            The Murthy Corporation cordially invites you to attend                                          its annual fundraiser to benefit the

Under privileged children 


along with several reupdated NGO'S of Delhi


8:00 p.m. – 11:00 p.m.
The Murthy Mansion
8554 Pillar Hill Road

She couldn't help but laugh at the irony of them organizing fundraisers for the development of children while treating their own beneficiary poorly. She decides to let them do as they please since today is her last day in the mansion.

As Nandini casually dresses up, she notices people rushing around the mansion, turning it into a party venue. She feels like an outsider in her own home, as her stepmother has changed everything, erasing any trace of her mother. The mansion no longer feels like a home but more like a five-star hotel with excessive glamour.Her mom was a woman of class and goodness however the new woman had given the manor a particularly uproarious and bombastic touch that it felt as though she remained unaware of this chateau.

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