25]Harshad or Harshadi??

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It was night and Manik was in his room thinking about how his life changed after Nandini came , he was in his own thoughts when his trance was broken by a call

Manik: Who the hell got me out of Nandini's land?

He saw the caller id and made a face this was too much this Cabir always had to interrupt his Nandini session

Manik: Cabir , it better be important 

Cabir: Manik, listen have you checked your sns

Manik:You have called me because you want me to check my sns [ social networking site] so that I can like your post , how attention seeking you are

Cabir: Idiot , I have not posted anything it is Harshad

Manik: So what should I do ?

Cabir: Idiot , check it first

Manik cut his call and hurled abuses towards him , he was expecting to see some funny or idiotic post of Harshad but what he saw shook him to hell 

Harshad had posted 2 pictures 

Caption: My Barbie Doll @Nandinimurthy , finally my girfriend

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Caption: My Barbie Doll @Nandinimurthy , finally my girfriend

The post had shook Manik , the photo clearly was edited he could make out but the guts of this man

Then he got Cabir's personal message to check the college instagram message group  created by 3rd year boys 

Space 3rd year boyz

Space 3rd year boyz

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Caption: Finally our third year stud @harshadsaxena has kissed the school's new bee @nandinimurthy , he has disclosed them in being a relation , our boy does it again

Manik could not control his anger , he felt to punch all of them , how could they even spread such edited pictures , he knew Nandini was not on SNS so they did that . It was a heinous crime , they could be booked by cyber cell squad . Thankfully , the picture of them kissing was posted in a private group which had only 2nd and 3rd year boys but it wasn't acceptable . He felt like killing all of them , without thinking about anything he rushed out of his house 

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