12)Why only me?

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Mukti had always been very reserved , she hardly spoke to anyone properly. She always had her guards up not wanting any one to cross across her and leave her shattered . She knew the moment she saw Nandini moving away after punching Harshad that she was just a lost soul who had her guards up . Mukti was always grateful for having such lovely friends but when she saw Nandini she felt her do be a very different person having loads in her , she could see a version of smaller Mukti who stayed alone. After knowing that she was Nandini Murthy, she knew who she was . Nandini was a missing part of her lover's life , of her Abhimanyu's life and Mukti knew it is never going to be simple to get Nandini talk to them . The pain , loneliness and anger in Nandini's voice did not go unnoticed by Mukti when she spoke to the Dean being an individual.

After completing the formalities and giving her a map of the college with her schedule Mukti offered Nandini to show her around but the latter refused politely saying that she did not need it . Mukti knew that she might have to put in a lot of effort to make Nandini comfortable, she had observed her to be shelled up , she did not ask Mukti anything during the entire time whenever Mukti tried to begin a conversation with her , Nandini very smartly cut it off.So she left Nandini on her own but making a mental note to check on her  .

Nandini was in her own bubble , she could see Mukti making efforts to talk to her and get involved but she did not want anyone around her to get near to the walls of her heart and in order to make herself clear she cut down all conversations she was trying to start . Nandini was roaming around when she saw Manik was en wrapped with girls all around who were trying so hard to talk to him and gain attaintion . She could not believe Mr.Flirty Malhotra even after getting so much female attention is not flirting or even smiling at them ,  she was confused that why he was doing so ? 

Whenever they had met Flirty Malhotra was all being cheesy and flirting trying to get her attention but now seeing him ignoring all these girls she was confused and there was only one question in her mind 

Why only me?

She had no answers for the questions coming in her mind as if her thinking capabilities had become zero 

She thought that may be he too is like the boy whom she punched in the morning  or may be he has some selfish motives behind it . She was slowly becoming blinded by such thoughts of what reason could have been for Flirty Malhotra oopps sorry Manik to be so different with her.

Before she could prove him guilty in her mind she was brought out of her inner verdict by the man himself, Manik.

Manik: Heyy are you fine , I mean you look lost .Do you want me to accompany to the sick room ?

Seeing the concern in his eyes for a moment  Nandini felt lost , no body was concerned for her so much except her mom . For a moment she felt that may be she was wrong in judging him . All this was taking a toll on her so she decided to move out 

Nandini: Yes I am fine ,  I need to go.

Manik was not pleased by her explanation but let her go so that she could have her space .After looking her finally going he too proceeded to the jam room 

Fab5 were chilling around and just finished jamming when they decided to call it a day as from tomorrow their classes would by starting so they won't get a lot of free time 

Manik was passing by the corridor when he could here he could here someone singing , he knew in an instant it was Nandini , it was her voice which made him insane and pulled him towards her , following the sound he reached the backside of the college and there she was sitting on a bench with her eyes closed and lost in her world singing

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