26]Not your barbie girl

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Harshad was having a very bad hangover he did not remember anything , his head was blasting. As soon as he woke up he saw that his room was covered with posters of him dressed as a girl , he walked infront of the mirror and observed the permanent tattoo of I respect girls

He was baffelled , he felt as if the world had come crashing on him , he opened his phone which was bussing continuously , he saw that all over the groups there were his photographs in which he was dressed as a girl . He could not remember anything , his SNS accounts were freezed and there were cyber cell people in his house .

He was fined and had do fight a case for posting vulgar pictures , he also had received a message from the college to meet the dean. Harshad was taken aback , he never knew that posting two pictures of a girl would bring him so much destruction , he had always under estimated girls thinking of them to be weak but now one small 5'3 girl had shook his world up.

He contacted his lawyer and paid the fine , he was penalised a huge amount and could be imprisoned , if he lost the case

Harshad then decided to go to the college

Nandini on the other side was pretty chilled out , she knew she had taught Harshad a lesson last night and further he would be facing problems because of her official complaint. Nandini was busy thinking about last night when her thoughts stuck on Manik, who was so tensed for her she knew that his boy was seriously a true friend standing by her side . She knew today the day was going to be very interesting as Harshad would get a final good bye from the college

She got dressed up in a white plain off shoulder top and blue denim shorts . She paired it with a gucci belt, she looked hot . For her the classic white and blue combo worked the best 

 For her the classic white and blue combo worked the best 

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Nandini's look

Nandini reached the college and could feel people staring at her as if she had done something wrong , she rolled her eyes and moved towards the Deans office where she had to report .

Nandini entered the Deans office and was shocked to see Manik there with the Dean , she had no idea why this man was here.She went towards him ignoring the sympathetic glance she got from the Dean who was feeling pity for her. She whispered to Manik

Nandini: Manik, why are you here, I could have handled it

Before Manik could answer Harshad had entered the office and along with him an officer had come too

Officer: Miss.Murthy according to your complaint we have acted on the removal of the picture and have freezed his SNS

Nandini: I prefer Nandini than Miss.Murthy Officer and thank you for the help

Dean: Harshad you have been restigated with immediate effect as you have done a crime by posting edited pictures of a girl without her knowledge , you mean to demean her which is not expected at all 

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