6)This is Manik Malhotra's Style[edited]

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Manik entered the party hall after changing in suit and he was very excited to have some fun with Milly . But just then a waiter came towards him and brought him a note

He opened to see the note had a few drops of wine on its end and a message written

[Nandini's note]










Manik loved the way she had apologized for throwing wine on him . He was sure after reading the note that she was not too open to share her feeling with someone , he understood that she was good at heart and was guilty for spoiling his suit, but he was impressed by the way she had warned him to not flirt with her. It showed she was fierce and no-nonsense girl . His eyes searched for her in the huge party hall and finally he spot her sitting alone in a corner getting bored and thinking something, He was sure that she felt bad for her behavior and might be thinking about him, so he decided to meet his lady first and then take a small revenge , all his massive plans of insulting MillY had gone down the drain because now hos mind was full of happiness because he was able to get a reaction from Nandini. He could see she was unaffected by Milly but he needed to teach her a lesson because she was the one who had pissed Nandini .

He walked towards Nandini with a glass of red wine and a smirk on his face

On reaching near her he cleared his throat to gain her attention . Nandini was shocked seeing him as she did not expect him to meet her again and that is why she had come to the farther most corner so that he could not find her but oh no he was here

Nandini: Yes

Nandini asked him what he wanted just by using one word

Manik: You know i forgive you for spilling wine over my suit , though it was not so precious before suit but after the wine from your hand fell on it the suit became very precious for me

Nandini: I did not apologize to you and stop flirting

Manik: Sweet heart I got the hidden message in your note, must say you are very smart but why are you so stingy even when there is no tax on speaking freely and smiling , you do not do any of it

Nandini: NOYB

(Non of your business)

Manik: Anything about you is about my business [Manik said under his breadth]

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